Lillian grinned at him, "Perfect, then what should we get?"
Lillian grinned at him, "Perfect, then what should we get?"
"Pizza, noodles, love,"
"I like that plan," Lillian hummed, "But where will we get the love babe?"
He looked over at her with a smile, "You tell me,"
Lillian smiled slyly back at him, "I'll tell you later."
"Hmm, Can't wait," he chuckled.
Lillian laughed, "I'm sure you can't."
They pulled into the driveway, "Or, party,"
"Then let's party," Lillian smiled, "We can do whatever you want today."
"Whatever I want, as in anything?"
"Yep, that can be actually done."
Lillian laughed with a bright smile, "LET'S GO SWIMMING!"
"Yay," he jumped out and ran into the house.
Lillian was still laughing as she followed him in. Yep, she was in love with a child and there was her daily reminder.
She really was, Darren didn't even make any effort to change his ways. He was fun, admit it.
He was fun, and Lillian loved it.
Darren had started stripping when he got to the living room. His shirt on the floor by the couch and his pants on the stairs. Socks in front of the bedroom door, no doubt where he went. "Swimming!"
Lillian had followed him into the bedroom, keeping her clothes on for your information. She was laughing, "Swimming!"
"You followed me? Oops," he slid his swimsuit on with a smile. "I thought you were outside,"
Lillian laughed eyeing her boyfriend's physique, "It's not like this is weird right?"
"Well it's not like I'm the quarterback and you're a stranger," he grabbed his towel and looked at her, "I'm your boyfriend and we've definitely… seen each other before,"
Lillian was grinning as she took off her shirt and shorts searching for her swimsuit, "Most definitely, so this is all fine."
His eyes raked over her body and his eyebrow raised involuntarily. "Yeah.. it's all.. fine,"
Lillian found it and took her bra off to put the top on, "Completely fine."
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