forum Rp with a new character!
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Zane pauses, looking up at Hex. He slides a note with a very simple order over to him, staying perfectly silent. He glances at the woman who waved to him and he slightly smiles back. His eyes immediately dart to another person entering the shop. so many- he sighs softly.

Deleted user

Hex got to work making the coffee order, and thought to himself. Quite a lot of people are using the back tables today….

@False-andrew flash_on

Chrisy looks up and chuckles once she sees the newest customer walk in, clearly checking her, Zane and the barista out.

She gets up and walks over to Zane's table, sitting down.

"I saw your little stunt earlier." she whispers, smiling conspiratorially.

@False-andrew flash_on

"Oh, don't play mute. I can tell you can talk. You can't hide that from me, and I know you're not deaf since you stiffened once I started talking." Chrisy chuckles quietly.

@Eli-the-transboi group

He huffs, seeming to ignore her. He really just didn’t want any drama at the moment. Curiosity killed the cat. He remembered that saying. He was the cat this time. Why’d he even have to bother? augh

@False-andrew flash_on

"Oh, c'mon. Surely you must be at least a little interested in finding other people to help you with your goals." she smirks. She didn't know what they were - yet. "Speaking of, what would those goals happen to be? By the looks of you I'd say world domination, but since that would be cliché, I think it's to save the world, no?"

@-LemonTail- language

He looked at the 2 people in the back corner. He really wanted to hear what they were saying, but that would be weird if he just got up and sat on the table next to them. But then… isn't that what that woman did? I bet they don't even know each other. It doesn't seem like it. Hmm… the man looks uncomfortable. Why?

@Eli-the-transboi group

He sighs a heavy sigh, looking up at her. He was determined to keep his mouth shut, but could he really? He rolls his eyes and mutters. “Just trying…” he says quietly. It had been so long since he’d actually spoken to someone, his voice seemed scratchy from the lack of communication.

Deleted user

Hex pops into the middle of the conversation, presenting Zane's simplistic coffee. "Here you are! Have a good day. and enjoy!"

Deleted user

She looks over at Hex. "Sit down for a moment, kid."

"Hm? Wait, me?" Hex asks, confused and surprised by the sudden remark. Also, wasn't she sitting by herself a moment ago?

Deleted user

Hex looks behind him towards the counter. Eh, no one was there at the moment, so… He sits down, having no idea what was happening, and going with the flow.

@False-andrew flash_on

"I saw you appear outside the shop earlier." she says without preamble. "And I was just talking with this wonderful fellow about how I saw him do the same thing."

She pauses, then looks straight at Oliver. "You too, since you're keenly watching us. Come over here."

Deleted user

Hex nonchalantly responds, "Oh, yeah, I can teleport. Easier than walking! Didn't know anyone else that could do it though!" He grins innocently. He turns and waves hello to Oliver as Chrisy points him out.

@False-andrew flash_on

Chrisy chuckles. "Yes, you. Who else has been intently staring at everyone since they walked in? Nobody."

"I think you can do a fair bit more than teleport, but that's besides the point." she snorts.