forum Rp with a new character!
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@False-andrew flash_on

"You will come back and sit down at this table until I am done talking." she says, her voice the exact same tone she'd used when she'd commanded him to stop.

@False-andrew flash_on

Chrisy phases into existance in front of Zane, her wings extended to their full 14 foot length.

"I sai, sit back down." she growls, whipping the man back into his chair with a careless movement of her hand.

@False-andrew flash_on

"Look, I know your goal. I saw it in your eyes. You want to try and save the world, kid. Well, there's me, Oliver and Hex to help you out with that. But now that you have people to help, you're suddenly scared for your life and trying to run." she sighs, her wings furling back up again.

@False-andrew flash_on

An invisible force pushes Zane back down again; Chrisy doesn't bat an eye.

"Look, kid. Either you let us - me - help, or you die alone trying to save everyone yourself."

@False-andrew flash_on

"Please. I could tell as soon as I saw you. I don't miss any details. Your chest, for instance, still has a bit of substance to it - not much, but more than a man your body type should have. Plus the way you sit. Any normal man would be uncomfortable. Not you." she sighs. "So yeah, I know your trans. Do I care? Hell no. I'm a demon, after all."