forum Rp with a new character!
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

(Ok cool. I’ll start.)

Zane was always a lonely guy, staying in his house for most of the day and compleatly shutting himself off from the outside world. It wasn’t his fault that the whole world was in ruins. Sure some would say that it’s just how the world works, but he didn’t buy it. They were coming up with excuses for all the terrible people in the world. Every now and then he would break up a fight, or get rid of a ‘problem’. But that was all. This time however, he made the stupid decision to watch the news, this is what set him off. He was tired of this. He was going to do something about this chaos.

He looked over the city as he sat on the very edge of a building, examining the cars, people, and all the other crap he had to put up with on a day to day basis. Sure some called him a hero, others called him a monster. He didn’t listen of course. He didn’t care.

Zane watches the scenery, lost in his own thoughts. How was he supposed to save something that couldn’t be saved? The world was already such a terrible place. Life sucked. People died because of it. But he was fed up with this and wanted change. He throws a pebble off of the building, watching it hit the top of a parked car.

Maybe someone else would want to save the world…someone who wasn’t a complete ‘monster’ such as himself.

@-LemonTail- language

Oliver ran on top of the lower buildings, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Oliver never thought about change. He just knew life the way it was, and never thought that it could be any different. He didn't necessarily like how life was, but he never thought that it could change, or that he could be the one to help change it.

Reaching his destination, he jumped onto another building with a makeshift tent. The tent slowly swayed with the breeze. Oliver ducked unto the cloth that was covering the entrance and looked around his home. Oliver had been alone for about 16 years. He remembered the first night alone, without his sister next to him, and being cold. Really cold. Since then, Oliver had learned to fend for himself, thanks to no one. Oliver wasn't really upset about what happened. He just really missed his sister.

It was a lonely life. Sure, Oliver saw people. But they usually didn't like him, considering the fact that most of the people he met he stole from. And most people were terrible, anyway. Sometimes Oliver wished he had a companion. Maybe like an animal, because he was fairly sure that would be better than another person.

Oliver sighed and stepped out of the tent, and onto the edge of the roof and sat down, his feet dangling over the edge. He watched and observed everything, wishing more than ever that someone was doing it with him.

@False-andrew flash_on

Chrisy stood on the street corner, holding a blazing cigar.

She takes a puff of it, then unfurls her wings and takes off, drawing attention only from the birds who scattered upon sighting her.

She lands lightly upon the roof of a tall building, one arm folded across her abdomen as her other arm brought the cigar to her mouth. She takes a puff of it, then exhales the blue smoke, smirking to herself.

Wish I had someone to work with in life. The world needs change, and soon. she thinks solemnly before laughing to herself at the sheer absurdity of it all. Since when do demons care about change for the better, after all?

In the meantime, she watches the rooftops, staring off into space.

Deleted user

Hex walked down the sidewalk, sipping from a cup of coffee, enjoying the gentle breeze. From the trees on the side, he saw a little squirrel scampering across the ground. He waved hello to the little woodland critter. It stared at Hex with a confused glance, then scurried away. Hex waved to some passersby, who waved back with confused glances that Hex didn't see. He finished his coffee, then checked the time. Oops! Late for work! And he subtly snapped his fingers, becoming enveloped in a pale purple energy, teleporting away and making his way to work at the coffee shop.

@False-andrew flash_on

Chrisy spots a man just appear out of nowhere and chuckles.

Well, there's someone I can possibly work with. she thinks, finishing her cigar and tossing the butt of it to the roof, letting it smolder there. She steps to the edge of the building, then off the edge, calmly crossing her arms across her chest as she falls.

At the last possible second, her wings snap out, stopping her fall. She folds them again and lands lightly, her legs not even buckling.

She casually walks over to the coffee shop and enters, smoothing out her thin, see-through dress, and sits at a table close to the back of the shop.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Zane’s gaze snapped to the woman following the random man entering a coffee shop. what- he stands, tilting his head. “Who was that?” He thought allowed, trying to focus his eyes to catch a better glimpse of the woman as she entered the shop. He crosses his arms. wings. Must be some kinda angel? he narrows his eyes, then huffs as he lost sight of her. Damnit. Why was he so interested now? never mind that. He sits back down, hoping he’d catch another sight of the two later on.

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Hex pulls his uniform apron over his shirt, and walks out of the bathroom to go behind the counter. Fortunately at this point the management had gotten used to his slight lateness, so he didn't get into trouble for it at this point. Plus, he was never too late since he could teleport right up to the shop. He looked around the shop, checking how busy they were. There was…. like, less than 5 people. Most of them had already ordered, either waiting for it to be done, or peacefully drinking it. There was one lady who had entered just a few minutes ago, but she was just sitting in the back. Maybe she's waiting for someone? Or maybe just considering the endless potential of coffee flavors….
He noticed a squirrel run past one of the windows and he waved at it, losing his train of thought.

@-LemonTail- language

As Oliver watched the city, he saw a man appear and then a woman with wings enter a coffee shop. Hmmm.. For some reason, he was intrigued. He hopped of the roof he was on and landed on a smaller building, then hopped onto the coffee shop, looking over, and waiting to see maybe if the 2 would come out again.

@False-andrew flash_on

Chrisy waves the man over.

"Black coffee, please. Dark roast. Filter it twice please." she grins at him. She senses the new movements outside, but ignores them for now. They were the least of her worries.

@-LemonTail- language

Oliver sits on the roof of the coffee shop, waiting. He looks up at the sky and then hears rustling next to him. Startled, he looks over and there was a squirrel, looking up at him.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Zane huffs, Ok fine. I’ll go see what that was. I’m bored anyway and I wanna drink- he stands, teleporting right outside the shop and walking inside. He looks around. Cozy. He sits down at a table in the corner, silent and observing from a distance. He usually never spoke to strangers and tried to make them think he was either deaf or mute. One or the other but sometimes both. He rests his chin on his fist.

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Hex, after a moment of being lost in thoughts of squirrels, notices the woman in the back waving him over to order something. He jots down her order, then says, "Alright, that'll be right out!" Then heads back to the counter to get the coffee made.

@False-andrew flash_on

Chrisy rests her head on her right hand, smirking as she watches another man simply appear in front of the coffee shop.

This place is very interesting. she thinsk, waving at the man who's now in the corner.

She turns her attention to Hex. "Thank you."

Deleted user

Hex hands her her order, made as requested, and smiles kindly. "Enjoy your coffee, and have a good day Ma'am."

Hex then notices the new person who had also just entered. Hex strides over to their table, and asks, "Would you like to order something, or still deciding?"

@-LemonTail- language

Unable to hold his curiosity, Oliver jumps down and enters the coffee shop. There was a woman in the back, a man in a far corner, who was talking to someone who seemed to work there. Oliver chooses a table in the back, but as far away from the others as possible.