forum Idk what I'm doing but I have a character // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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He laughed quietly. "What now?" He asks curiously. "If you want there's some new releases at the theater. Or do you want to go home?" He asks, wondering if the other wanted to go and do something instead of stay at the house.


"Oh, a movie sounds good." Jared replied. "I've caught up with all the Marvel and Star Wars stuff, working on everything else still." He chuckled softly.


"I hate horror." Victor sighed. "So unrealistic… not to mention they always do stupid things. And no war movies. You've got it." He smiles a little before leaning back in his chair.


Victor gently placed his hand on Jared's arm. "There will be no violence. I promise." He says gently. "If you don't want to see a movie, the ice rink is open." He offers as an alternative.


Victor kept his eyes on the other. "Is something wrong?" He asks gently. He was worried about the other, not just because Jared was his employee, but because Victor had a tendency to care about those around him. He had motherly instincts, and he always wanted to make sure people were okay before he left them alone.


Jared took the card, setting it down on the table, then dug out his own, setting it beside Victor's. "There. And no cheating." He added, putting his wallet away.


Victor smiled warmly before nodding. "Alright, alright." He laughs gently. Mrs. K walks up to their table. "Victor, I hope you and you're delightful company enjoyed the food?" She asks. He nods and smiles. "Yes, thank you, Mrs. Kay. It was delicious as usual." She seemed pleased by that. "It was a pleasure to meet you Jared." She says kindly before taking one of the cards with Victors permission. She took Victors card before walking off.