forum Idk what I'm doing but I have a character // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Name: Jared McKay
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Looks: looks a lot like this: . Red hair that's a big spiky and wild, but he does his best to style it on occasion. Unlike the image, he has bright green eyes. His torso is covered in scars from his capture.
Social class: higher class
What people would know about them (if applicable): that he was captured/kidnapped two years ago, and was only returned about nine months ago.

Okay so all I know about this is i want a romance. Obviously my boi has a lot of issues, needs help. It can be gay or straight, I have no preference. Takes place in the modern world, so no magic or anything like that.


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
  • No racism, sexism, or homophobia. Or anything of the sort. I will yeet your ass outta here
  • steamy stuff will be taken to PMs
  • Please be active
  • i reserve the right to say no

Please use the same form as I did. I can copy-paste it if need be.


Name: Victor Adrian Lebedev
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Looks: Soft white blonde hair that reaches his shoulders, usually kept back in a messy ponytail. He has soft blue eyes that are as clear as the blue sky. He has gentle pale skin, with a tiny hint of freckles with grow thicker along his shoulders and back. He's very tall, about 6'3 and muscled. He has a scar around his neck, so he's usually seen wearing scarves or turtlenecks even in the heat.
Social class: Lower middle class
What people would know about them (if applicable): He's very kind, but the moment you snap something in him, expect no mercy.
Other: He has a Siberian husky that he adores


Alrighty here we go:

  • They meet at a party. Victor goes into a room he assumed was empty to escape from the music and people, only to find Jared crumpled on the floor or leaning against the wall, on the verge of or having a panic attack, due to certain triggers that have reminded him of what happened when he was captured. Whether Victor recognizes him or not is up to you. (I kinda prefer this one, but it's up to you lol)
  • Jared's mom decides that her son needs a new secretary/bodyguard/whatever, and decides to hire Victor (for whatever reason lol). She has Victor come to the house to meet Jared, and forgets to warn Jared ahead of time, who answers the doors in a wrinkled buttonup that he obviously slept in, and his boxers. Which would obviously lead to embarrassed, but hilarious shenanigans.
  • They meet somewhere else. IDK where or how lol


I like either the first or second. Maybe we could do a mashup of the two. They meet up at the party, and then Victor gets hired as his body guard and he recognizes Jared from the party?



Jared had stumbled into this room soon after they set off the fireworks. Fear had clawed at his throat, an animal awakening inside him that wanted to run run run run as memories pushed their way to the surface. He was shaking, leaning against the wall and unable to move. The fireworks had already ended, but even the bass of the music was pulling up memories of guns and smoke and so much pain. So much blood and fear and…he took a shaking, shuddering breath, a dry sob pulling at his throat and making it so very hard to breathe.


Victor hated large crowds. He had been abandoned by his friend, the party had gone downhill. He sighed as he set his wine down and walked out of the area. He needed quiet. A few girls or guys flirted with him but he just brushed them away. He shook his head and walked away before entering the quieter halls. He entered a room and sighed, shutting the door behind him. He starts when he realizes he was not alone, another man curled against the wall on the ground. His eyes soften in worry. "Sir?" His russian accent was clear as day, but it was soothing, gentle. He kneels in from of him. He could recognize a PTSD attack anywhere. "Sir. It's alright. You're safe now. You're safe." He mutters gently.


Jared forced his head to move, so he could look at this person. His throat was still closed up, making it difficult to breathe and well on impossible to speak. His red hair stuck up on his head, as usual, and his already pale skin was even paler than normal as he sucked in gulps of air. His eyes, green and wide with too much, smudges underneath that told a tale of far too many sleepless nights, took in this person in front of him, without really seeing.


Victor gently gazes at the other. "It's alright, you are safe now. You are not in danger any more." He mutters, his eyes soft as he gently took the others hands. "You must breathe. Focus on my voice." His voice is soothing, slow, thick. Like the finest honey dripping from honeycomb. "You are safe." He whispers. "You may feel overwhelemed, like it is hard to breathe. But you must focus. You are no longer in danger."


Jared's hands were shaking, but he swallowed closing his eyes and doing his best to focus on Victor's voice, doing as he said. It took a while, but the fear and powerlessness slowly drained away. He still felt wobbly, but he was able to sit up, leaning one shoulder against the wall. He opened his eyes again, looking at this man who had just managed to calm him down. "Thank you…" he said softly. His throat was dry now.


Victor mutters soft things that he remembered had always helped those around him dealing with tough times, or a panic attack. He let Jared calm down, noticing he slowly began to appear better. He knew the other would still be startled and still be shaky, and that was perfectly normal. Victor offered a tiny smile. "It's alright." he says gently. "You were in trouble. No one likes to go through a PTSD or Anxiety attack." He sits in front of the other. "Shall I go get you some water? Food? What do you need." His voice was still gentle, still assuring.


Jared nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. "Water, please?" He asked softly, opening his eyes again to look at the other. He was still a little shaky, and he was having a little trouble focusing. Every thump from the music made him jump a little. He tucked his knees against his chest, taking a deep breath.


Victor nods, "I will return quickly." He says gently. He exits the room hurriedly, grabbing a water bottle and returning. He gently shut the door and returned to Jared's side. "Here." He opened the cap for the other, gently placing the bottle in his hands. He steadied Jared's hands, his eyes soft as he helped the other the best he could. "My name is Victor." He says softly.


Jared nodded, taking a long drink from the water bottle. "Thank you." He said again. "I'm Jared." He wasn't sure if Victor recognized him or not. If he did…he could only hope that this story wouldn't make it to the press. If the press found out about this…they would tear him apart. He had managed to keep them from knowing exactly what had happened, and what was wrong with him, but…one slip-up, and they would find out.


Victor knew faintly about the other, but he could tell by the stress in the others eyes that he didn't want to be found out about, or nagged by the press. He smiles gently. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Jared." He says softly. "And do not worry. You're safe." He says gently. "Would you like me to escort you off the premises to somewhere safer? Or walk you to your car?" Victor stayed by his side.