forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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Anya started walking out into the hall before shivering. “ dear lord..”

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“ yes love. It sucks. “ she said “ I’m used to being warm..”

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“ I know.. I can’t help but think to warm myself and then it hurts trying..”

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“ no eve it won’t! Not until the barriers are lifted.” She said

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“ I know. It’s just horrible that I can’t help, nor can I protect you..”

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“ yeah.. but still i wanna be there, I wanna help. And I can’t.” She said

@emilyevewrites group

"I need you to be there for me," Eve whispered. "I need someone to turn to and someone who can convince me everything is alright. And most importantly, I need you to listen for anything you hear and tell me."

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Anya leaned into eves hand. Her crystal blue eyes locking with eves