forum "Chivalry is dead and I killed it." (OPEN)
Started by @CinnamonTheHouseplant

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@IcarusFightsTheSun book

jerick looks around unsure of what to think, she gets an odd look on her face "ok… what the HELL is going on" she says "where in the underworld is this place and who in the gods great behind are you!" as she's talking she grabs the hilt of an axe that looks way too heavy for her. she looks very confusedly to a map in her hands.

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"For the love of mother nature, could you please set the ax down?" Iri said, her eyes widened in slight fear. "Nobody has hurt you quite yet, and by the looks of it, someone most likely will, if you swing that ax." She cast a quick glance to Greg.
Opal noticed the map in the gnome's hands and her confused look, "If you'd let me, I can help you with the map." She mentioned, with a caring expression on her face, "Also, what is your name?"

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"you answered exactly zero of my questions" she said narrowing her eyes "and plus unless any of you can read draconic then you can't really help" warily she let's go of the axe.

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"Uh… thank you for putting down the ax." Opal replied, blushing a bit. She tried to answer some of the gnome's questions, "Well, we're in the middle of a forest, near my home and I am Iridescence, but you may call me Iri or Opal."

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"No. i mean… i dont think so…" She turns to Opel. "I'm not here because you kidnapped me, am i?"

"Well, of course not!" Opal gasped, "I just found you, don't you remember?"

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Opal, aloof to the conversation going on, looked up at the cloudy sky. "You better not kill each other now, alright. I'll be right back." she said, then changed into her dove form and flew up into a tree, observing the storm ahead.

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Iri flew back down, almost getting knocked out by a strong gust of wind, "All of us need to find shelter, we're in grave danger."

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"Well, if you could see the blizzard heading toward us all, I'd let you decide." Iri replied, clearly annoyed, but her voice remaining soft. "My home isn't too far from here," She turned to the others, mainly to the human, "Are you able to follow me there?"