forum "Chivalry is dead and I killed it." (OPEN)
Started by @CinnamonTheHouseplant

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(Well, I could try looking for prompts, or make some up if that's alright.)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(i has one. we wake up in a dark room, with absolutely no memory about our lives before waking up. it doesn't seem like a dungeon, but we have know idea what else it could be. we remember everything that isn't personal, so we still know whatever we knew before, but have no memory of learning it, etc)

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(That one is pretty cool, ngl, but what if it happened in a secluded forest and character A (and/or B) were tied to a tree (or escaping from something or someone) and character C finds and tries to help them. Just a suggestion.)

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(Oof, I edited it as you replied, does it still sound okay?)

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(Probably, (unless they are escaping) but it's up to all of us.)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(alright. so Greg is tied to a tree and very uncomfortable, someone else is tied with them, and the third comes across them? all three at least pretend to have memories gone, one might be faking it? does that sound good? who's who?)

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(Yep. I call C (Opal finds them) although idk how she will erase her memories, but I'll try.)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Greg wakes up, finding herself tied to a tree. there was another person also tied with them, but she couldn't tell who it was. she also didn't remember… anything, now that she thought about it. She hissed loudly, hoping to get someones attention. it was a bit cold, but not snowing yet.

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Opal walked outside with a basket in her arms, the cold air slamming against her face. She pulled up her hood, figuring it would snow anytime soon. About to transform into her dove form, she knew wouldn't be able to carry the basket, so she hurried further into the forest, hoping she would be able to preserve some berries before the snow fell.

As she was picking berries, she heard a familiar sound on the other side of the bushes. A hiss, most likely from a fellow snake and not just any hiss, it was a cry for help. Leaving her basket under a bush, she turned into her snake form and slithered under the bushes and saw two people, well one person and a fellow snake-person. (Sorry, I have no idea how to describe Greg.)

She inquiringly hissed back, hoping they would hear her, and winced as she saw the snake-person's scale come loose and heard her shout. Opal hissed a question, "Are you okay?"

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(I'm assuming hissing is a language that Greg speaks. Also, sorry it's so long. 😅)