forum "Chivalry is dead and I killed it." (OPEN)
Started by @CinnamonTheHouseplant

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(Okay. For Greg, right? Not the language.)

Opal quietly slid out from under the bush, then to the tree. She tried to bite off the ropes, then realizing they were too thick, she transformed back into her human form. Opal reached into her pocket and pulled out her pocketknife, then silently sliced the rope.

"Are you both okay? What happened?" She asked, her voice sounded soft and sweet, almost melodious.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

a bit out of context but hopes it's okay

Looking down I see a flock of birds in the grassy meadow, they’re gathered by a huge lake and pecking around the muddy earth -must be looking for worms or something- I think. Tucking my red and gold wings into my body and shot through the air like a knife, opening them at the very last second i hit face first into the ground

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

Name: jerick ironhide
Age: 29
Pronouns: she\her
Species: deep gnome
Hair color (If applicable): white
Skin, Scales, or Fur color: light grey
Likes: bread rolls, ducks, axes and power.
Dislikes: powerful people, idiots and elves
Shipping?: has a wife
Personality traits: devious, vengeful, and adopts to many kids (but too many for right now)
Other useful info:
*.The backstory is she used to be in the army because she was caught stealing, went to the city and got scammed and almost died, but met her wife.

*.VERY tall for a gnome

*.left home for awhile

*.has killed before

Deleted user

(Yeah, sure! Welcome aboard! ^^)

(So basically, Greg and Adela are tied to a tree, not knowing how they got there or anything at all and Iridescence (Opal) comes across them. (This is what I understood, I may need confirmation from the others though.) This is as far as we've gotten so you can jump in however you want to.)

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

you hear a crashing off in the distance it sounds like someone yelling, when they get closer and you start to hear some of what they're saying "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS DAMN MAP!!" affter some more crashing they get closer now "I'LL RIP THE HEAD OFF THE NEXT PERSON I SEE!!!". Which is when they come stomping though the trees and you're face to face with a very tall and angry gnome.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(Greg is a Naga. who cares about what the language is?) to Opel "I have absolutely no idea whats going on. or how i got here." she turns to Jerick "You try that, and i promise you won't leave this forest alive."

Deleted user

(Okay, thanks. (0_0''))

Opal turned to the Naga and gnome, "Alright, it is best for us to calm down," she quietly reprimanded. "And there better not be any head ripping or slaughtering, not right now… or ever, actually." She shuddered at the thought of it.

Then, she turned to the other girl; this one was apparently human. Iridescence softly placed her hand on the girl's forehead, "Are you well? Are you hurt?" She started to check her face and arms for any wounds.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Greg smiled at opel. "Thank you for freeing me." she said, slightly bowing. "I'm…. Georgia.. i think." She said, unsure. she remembered her name, but she didn't remember ever hearing it before. "Um.. Call me Greg, please. and you?"

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"Well, Greg, Adela." She smiled to them both, "My name is Iridescence, but you may call me Iri, or Opal, if you'd like." Iri glanced at the gnome, "Do you know each other?"