forum "Chivalry is dead and I killed it." (OPEN)
Started by @CinnamonTheHouseplant

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(I'm literally also on a medieval rp. 😅 If it's okay with you, can I join? If you find someone else, I can step out.)

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(Okay, thanks! Should I give a sample or just make a character?)

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(Lavendar casually answered, "You've been asleep for about an hour, actually. And you are in my humble cottage, in the middle of nowhere," she chuckled anxiously after mentioning it. "And I am-" she paused before another word was able to escape her mouth.

The young apothecary swore to the Elite she would never tell her real name to her victims. And in reality, the girl was a victim, in fact, she was never supposed to be alive in the first ­­­place, "Any stranger who dares enter your garden, should be killed and sent to us. Whether man or woman, old or young…." The words she agreed to a year and a half ago, was a vicious tune that replayed in her head…

She resumed talking, but more cold and depressive, following the script that was charred into her brain, "And I am Celosia Hortus, faithful student and apprentice of the Elite." She looked into the other girl's eyes for a few seconds before getting up and walking back to the kitchen.

She stopped before walking out of the room, "Let me know if you need anything," she said, her voice now losing its iciness, but still retaining a bit of depression. "Also, I'm making soup for lunch, I was wondering if you wanted some.")

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(I can also write something longer or shorter than that depending on the context.)

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(So, should I come up with a prompt or something like that?)

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(Can you make a character first? I have the sheet thing, I just need to copy and paste it in)

(Okay, cool. I'll make it in a few.)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Name: Greg (Georgia)
Age: 19
Pronouns: she/he/they
Species: snakefolk
Hair color (If applicable): n/a
Skin, Scales, or Fur color: Skales are a greenish silver tint, and their skin is a silverish tan.
Likes: water, warmth, the dark
Dislikes: cold, bright lights, sudden sounds.
Shipping?: none yet
Personality traits: Greg is outgoing and adventurous, but sudden noises can spook them into hiding. he's friendly, but if you scare him, he will never trust you again. She has a bright personality.
Other useful info: she dosent have legs, instead slithers on her tail, like a snake. he's also cold-blooded
Rp sample:
Greg was leading a carriage through the snow. her horses were hungry, and the cold was affecting her entire body. she didn't know where the nearest village was, and she could barely see. as they continued making their way north, the came across a road sign, but they couldn't read it through the snow. he decided to just go to the left, as he thought he remembered a town in that general direction. (I cant really go longer then this, but i can always go shorter)

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Name: Iridescence (Opal)
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Species: shapeshifting human (ig)
Hair color (If applicable): Opalescent White
Skin, Scales, or Fur color: light skin, rosy cheeks; as a dove, she has opal streaks on her wings and tail; as a snake (see 2nd pic below), she has opal scales
Likes: knitting, being by herself, comforting others, studying nature, ivory daggers
Dislikes: mobs, rude people, being ridiculed over her unique appearance
Shipping?: idk, probably not
Personality traits: soft spoken, kind to anyone she meets
Other useful info: lives by herself in a cottage in the forest, can shapeshift into a dove or a snake


(snake form(sorta?):

(dress (smth like this):


Name: Adela (Uh-DAY-lah)
Age: 22
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Species: Human
Hair color (If applicable): Raven black, and wavy
Skin, Scales, or Fur color: Very tan
Likes: Animals, plants, life in general, but also the beauty in death
Dislikes: Tyrants (and other bossy people), being told what to do, and peppermint
Shipping?: Sure, why not
Personality traits: She's somewhat confident, and likes helping people, but can lose their temper easily
Other useful info: I'm not really sure yet

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Name: Adela (Uh-DAY-lah)
(Omg, my cousin's baby daughter has the same name. 😍 Just something random I realized.)

Deleted user

Name: Adela (Uh-DAY-lah)
(Omg, my cousin's baby daughter has the same name. 😍 Just something random I realized.)

Everything is always connected


Well, you have a point, lol.