@Eli-the-transboi group
He tilts his head. “Hm…you’re pretty.” He smiles, leaning back and looking relaxed.
He tilts his head. “Hm…you’re pretty.” He smiles, leaning back and looking relaxed.
(Her: confused glitch noises)
(No, what would be more accurate is her phasing through several of the realities that she sees at once while making flustered goose noises lmao, which is exactly what she'll be doing)
Amelia flushes brilliant red, and she seems to just disappear for a moment after her body turns into a weird patchwork of numbers, letters and symbols. She reappears several times in various points around the room before ending up where she originally stood.
If one looked closely, they could almost see the steam coming off of her face.
"Uh- um- hmm- huhm–" she says, her words not even close to wording properly.
Kathy chuckles softly, watching as if he’d seen this a million times. “What? Can’t handle a complement? You look good with some color. Shows how you were as a person.”
Amelia looks away slightly.
Slowly, her color comes back; her face and ears are bright crimson still, but she's smiling just a little.
"Um- n- no- I can handle a compliment-" she stammers.
Kathy laughs, “Oh you remind me of my boyfriend. And Goi.” He smiles, then pats a seat close to him. “Get comfy.”
(Oh plot twist XD I thought Kathy was single)
Amelia hesitantly sits down.
"Is that good or bad?" she asks.
He smiles gently, this seemed like the first time he’s actually smiled without a psychotic look in his eyes. “Good. They’re amazing people.” He leans back, drinking from a water bottle.
(I mean- kathy IS polyamorous- but he has two cannon boyfriends-)
(Lmao plot twist again)
Amelia smiles back, unknowingly, when Kathy smiles. It was just that sort of smile.
"Well, I'm honored." she chuckles.
He chuckles softly, “Hm. Oh really? Wow your standards are low as shit if you’re honored by a psycho callin’ you pretty.” He smirks, clearly joking.
"I suppose they are, but nobody has ever called me pretty." she laughs softly.
Kathy pauses, “Oh hell naw. Everyone’s an idiot if they haven’t called you pretty! Screw them!” He throws his hands up, now speaking in some very angry sounding Spanish. A few english words popped in every now and then like, “Those assholes.” And, “I’ll murder anyone who even dares to…” It seemed like he was being a very protective older brother.
"I've always been in greyscale, I've never had more color to me than my dress." Amelia says softly, with slight amusement.
She listened to his rant silently.
"I've already done that last bit." she laughs, a real laugh.
He huffs, grumbling to himself. “Serves them right. Dickheads-“ He rolls his eyes.
Just then, Buba runs into the house. “Big brother! Wanna s’more? I gotta hurry though. Anti Goi’s making more!” He giggles, handing Kathy two s’mores.
Kathy laughs, taking them. “Oh thank you, kiddo. Now go run. Before the marshmallows burn.” He shoos Buba off, chuckling as the child runs back outside. Kathy then offers one to Amelia. “Want one?”
"Why do you care so much about someone you just met who has the power to knock you to another dimension?" she wonders aloud.
She smiles at the kid, then stares in confusion at the strange. . . thing.
"Um- what is it?"
Kathy laughs, handing her the food. “A s’more. It’s chocolate, marshmallow, and gram crackers. It’s supposed to be a treat.” He smiles, “And I care because I see that you’re a good person. I’m not that bad of a person.”
"Um. . . I still don't understand-" she starts as the food is shoved into her hand. She felt a little guilty - she doubted she'd be able to taste it, or even put it in her mouth.
"I never thought you were." she chuckles, pausing in her musings about the s'more.
He chuckles, smiling at her as if she was a old childhood friend. “Oh well thank dios.” He laughs softly.
“And trust me, even if you can’t taste it, it’s still an- experience.” He chuckles.
Amelia looks down at the s'more, then shrugs. "I guess. . ."
She pops the s'more into her mouth. Sure enough, there was no taste, but the consistancy and texture was definitely, as Kathy said, an experience.
He chuckles, “By that face, I can tell you’re indecisive-“ he laughs softly. “Even if you can’t taste it, still is fun to eat.” He smiles and eats his own.
“Hm, do you remember if you ever could taste food? And like- when you had to eat to survive?”
"I suppose." Amelia says with a slight smile.
She pauses for barely a moment before answering. "No- I've always been like this. From my earliest memories I couldn't taste anything."
Kathy smiles, “Hm…interesting.” He shrugs, “Well. Glad you can at least experience food.” He sets his axe against the wall. “I have to have three meals a day, and constant intake of water. Otherwise shit happens that I will not enjoy-“
"Like dehydration and cramps?" she guesses. She remembered those terms from the experiments that had been performed - something about testing how long she could go without any food or water.
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