@Eli-the-transboi group
After a while, snow looks up at her. She mews softly, bumping her head into Amelia’s hand.
After a while, snow looks up at her. She mews softly, bumping her head into Amelia’s hand.
Amelia smiles, and starts petting Snow again.
"You're so adorable. . ." she says quietly.
Snow makes a noise sounding like a ‘merp’ as she curls up in her lap. She looks up at Amelia and blinks slowly.
Amelia blinks back, smiling a bit wider.
She boops the cats nose after a moment.
She blinks, then playfully nips at her finger, swatting her hand with her paw.
Amelia laughs softly, gently hooking one of Snow's teeth and shaking the cat's head playfully.
She meows loudly, rolling onto her back and grabbing onto her hand.
Amelia laughs again, louder this time.
"God, you're adorable." she says, rubbing the cats belly with her other hand.
Snow hooks her claws onto Amelias hand, her tail swaying back and forth. She had a playful look in her eyes.
Amelia grins. She could feel the claws but not the pain.
"Oh, you want to fight?" she asks, mock seriously.
Snow’s pupils grow in size as she stared at Amelia.
Amelia smiles, tickling the cat's belly.
Snow playfully bites her hand, her tail lashing.
She grins, booping the cat's toe beans a few times before tickling her belly again.
Snow meows again, jumping up and chasing Amelias hand.
Amelia giggles, ocassionally gently grabbing Snow's tail to get her attention again, making the cat spin.
Snow eventually got dizzy and stopped, staring at her tail.
Amelia smiles.
"Dizzy now?" she asks quietly, picking the cat up gently.
Snow looks at her and mews.
Amelia's heart melts a little more.
"God, I wish i could keep you with me everywhere."
Snow bumps her head against her neck, snuggling close.
Amelia squeals softly, scratching the cat behind her ears.
She purrs loudly, leaning against her neck.
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