@False-andrew flash_on
Amelia takes a moment to process that, file it away for future inspection. "I was always like this. This is the state in which I've always existed. Sometimes it hurts me physically. On those days, they used to hook me up to machines that would give false data. Always false data. They would always blame it on me, and strap me to a chair, and pump electricity into my systems. Those days I wanted to destroy everything. Now, I just exist without existing on those days. That way nothing can hurt me and I can't hurt anything."
She stops talking abruptly and looks down, at the new floors of the new building that she'd caught glimpses of earlier - that peculiarly parallel section of code that had attached itself to the cabin.
She jumps when she hears the child.
"You've been fine so far since you're the same as me - a glitch. Glitches aren't affected by me. But don't let anyone else look at me directly. They'll get hurt if they do, badly hurt. Tell them to look at me out of the corner of their eyes if they have to. And tell them not to directly acknowledge me. They may not name me, they cannot call me Amelia. If they must refer to me, they must do so vaguely and with little description. They may not take photos of me, they may only view my face through a mirror if they want to see my face, but only fort short periods of time, as prolonged sight of my face can cause sickness. They are not to ask me about the black bar over my eyes or about where I came from or who I am; I will cease to exist for as long as they ask those questions. Verbal communication can only happen occassionally and under special circumstances - there must be a one-way window between me and them, the reflective side must be facing them, and I must be using a voice changer as my voice contains frequencies which can seriously harm anything not like you or me." she mentions, being very clear about everything.
"One last thing - they must not, under any circumstances, make physical contact with me or anything I'm touching - they will not survive very long after they make contact." she adds.