@Eli-the-transboi group
(Oh i can- XD kathy has the same issues. Lots of screaming goes on in that mind of his- i think they might become friends just cause they bond that way- XDD)
(Oh i can- XD kathy has the same issues. Lots of screaming goes on in that mind of his- i think they might become friends just cause they bond that way- XDD)
(OH! Little bit of a spoiler, "They" turned her into this and removed her memories!)
Kathy hums, “Me too…” he whispers, standing and walking into the living room.
The halls seemed to go on forever, doors, windows, more doors, a couple of stairs…it seemed as if the house was making more halls, more doors. It seemed to never end, and eventually, she was met with her room. It was like she went in a circle.
As soon as Amelia finds her room, she doesn't bother with the door: it doesn't exist to her. She just goes straight through it, into her room of nothingness, and there she stays for the next few days. She doesn't move or make even the slightest noise.
(Whoa! Cool! As you can see- Kathy’s a very good judge of character. He gets slight hints of how a person is- [no he cant tell her whole background- but he knows something’s up-])
After a few days, there was a knock at the door. “Aye, it’s kathy. I wanna talk to you. And don’t worry, everyone else is outside having a campfire. So you’re fine to come chill in the living room with me. I’ll be waiting.” He walks away.
(Lol, yeah. [Which is good, since I'm describing it mildly 😅])
Amelia was barely responsive. It took her 5 minutes to process his words.
Another 10 to make it out the door, and 20 to get to the living room.
"Hello Kathy." she says. Her voice was soft and dead, full of static. Her dress was simply static instead of the usual bright bars of color, as was she. She looked, in a word, like shit. Like she was about to fade out of the world entirely. Everything about her was just. . . dead. "What do you want to talk about?"
The black bar over her eyes isn't there. Her face is currently featureless and blank, just smooth.
He hums, motioning to a seat across from him. “just anything really. I wanna know why you think i don’t have to put up with mental screaming as well. Because i do. Its one of the reasons why I’m insane.” He props his feet up on a small ottoman. “I’ve been through shit myself. As you can see from the bloodstained shirt and rose growing from my eye. You’re not alone when it comes to receiving trauma. Everyone in this house has been through shit. We can help you. And I wanna show you the kindness Goi showed me.”
///PEOPLE! Pobably should've mentioned this way earlier but a lot of things that may be unsuited for certain audiences! Mentions of violence, self-harm, murder and rape are all themes that can be found here! EXERCISE CAUTION!///
For a long while, Amelia doesn't respond. She doesn't sit.
"It's not that I don't think you don't have to deal with screaming. But the screaming becaomes so much worse when you know there were ways you could have stopped it. I thought I was powerless. No, I believed I was powerless. I know better now. But I figured it out too late, which makes the screaming that much louder." she replies slowly.
For a little while, she doesn't move or speak again; then she slowly lifts up her dress.
The static across her body dissipates, and color leeches into her skin, revealing layers upon layers of scars across her legs, belly and torso. There were even stretch marks, evidently from childbirth.
"I had a child, once. A wonderful baby girl. She was taken from me a week after I had her. Guess how she was conceived?" she says blankly.
She pulls of the dress entirely, pulls off her gloves.
All across her body were layers upon layers of scar tissue. The only place that seemed untouched was her face, with but a dozen scars across it. She slowly turns so that her back is facing towards Kathy. The skin looked raw, burnt. Still black from tortures and experiments long past.
"I also had a baby boy. And later on, twins." she continues after a bit.
"They're all long dead. Killed by Them in an experiment to see if they were like me. They weren't. They forced me to watch."
Kathy frowns, “Hm…” he messes with his axe. “And where are these people now? Do you know?” He taps the handle of the axe.
Amelia stares blankly at Kathy for a moment.
"I broke their minds and killed them." she says simply.
He hums, “Good.” He sighs, rubbing his forehead and taking a sip of water. “People like that don’t deserve life.” He says dryly. He looks at her. “I’ve gotta friend who was hurt like that. Her names Chris. This jerk called Leviathan hurt her so she had tons of miscarriages…shes ok now of course and she has three wonderful kids. But still…” he sighs. “I’m sorry about your kids…I couldn’t imagine how terrible that would feel. I hope you can feel better here…you’re welcome to live here if you want.”
Amelia blinks for a moment, thinking.
"I'm not sure I can have kids anymore. I think they messed something inside me up the last time they. . . they. . ." she starts, before trailing off and staring blankly at the floor.
At Kathy's next words, she seems to come back to life a little.
"I don't know what I want to do. I've been alone for a really long time. . ." she murmurs.
He smiles warmly, “You’re always welcome here. I want you to know you’re safe here. And nothing will harm you. I’ll make sure of it. I am just the crazy trans man with an axe after all.” He chuckles softly.
Amelia takes a long time to process this. At this point, her body was back to static.
"'Trans. . .'" she repeats quietly.
"Safe, despite the strange rules for the strange people who are nearly as dangerous as I am by existing?" she asks, with just a touch of dryness to show she was making a joke.
He chuckles, “eh…its pretty easy to follow the rules…and when you’re family, most house rules don’t apply to you. And yes, I’m trans. I think I did a pretty good job choppin’ those annoying things off my chest if I do say so myself. Did it with this baby.” He holds up is axe.
"It was more of a joke than anything." Amelia smiles quietly.
"It was more of a question. I don't understand what you mean." she explains.
He shrugs, smiling. “Eh i just say what’s going on in my head. Weather it makes sense or not- i guess what im sayin is, you’ve either got a psycho for a new friend, or a random weird guy for a friend. Either or, I’m still gonna consider us friends now.” He chuckles softly, clearly just picking at her at this point.
(If you don’t know- ‘picking at’ is just a term used for playing/messing with someone-)
(Lol I know what picking at means)
Amelia nods slightly.
"I'm still unsure what 'trans' means but I know what you mean otherwise." she sighs.
He raises an eyebrow. “Ah. I mean transgender. I was born the wrong gender.” He messes with the wooden part of his axe. “I’m sure you know what that means-“
All Kathy gets in response is a blank stare.
". . . No, I don't know what that means." she eventually says.
He hums, “Damn. You must have been living under a rock.” He shrugs, “Well. I was born female. But I felt like I was the opposite gender, so I gave myself gender affirming surgery. Or ‘top surgery’. And thats how I’m now flat chested. I wasn’t born a boy and I felt like a boy. So, now I am a boy.” He smirks, “my voice comes from years of not talking, vocal cord damage, and testosterone.”
"No. Just in a laboratory, where they never bothered to teach me anything but the meaning of pain and words." Amelia sighs.
"Huh. Cool" she nods. "I understand now."
She takes another moment to think.
"I feel like I can help further, though I'm not sure how. . . I could, possibly, alter you so you don't require medications or whatever you use to stay like this. It might be painful - I've never tried to use my abilities on purpose. But if I'm going to be living here, I need to be as convenient and helpful as possible." she says suddenly.
He smiles, “Eh I don’t feel pain. I’ve gotta condition that makes my nervous system unresponsive to pain signals.” He shrugs, “And I take testosterone shots.” He looks at her ‘face’. “I wasn’t kept in a lab, but i was kept ina house and forbidden to go to school- so- i get that feeling.” He smirks, “I killed that bitch after a long while of torment.”
"I can take away the need for the shots, I think. I just need to. . . calm down, since even at the thought of trying to control these things makes me feel scared." Amelia replies quietly.
She looks at Kathy sorrowfully, her staticky figure solidifying slowly into something resembling a young-ish girl, with pale, scarred and freckled skin, dark brown, straight hair and broken blue eyes. She didn't seem to realise she had color now.
"As you should have."
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