forum Camp Half-Blood (closed 5/5)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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@RhysTheFirebird group

(Yeah, because some people get busy and can't post. It's something I always set up for any group RP I'm in. It prevents people from getting swamped when they have to go suddenly and don't have to to say they'll be gone for x amount of time. Per example, it would be you, then Davdio, me then whoever, you have to wait your turn. Does that make sense?)


(Hmm, I've never done anything like that. But the story can't really progress without everyone being active so if someone isn't on we'll just stay in that setting until they can reply.)

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Well, yes, but I've never done well with things like that, normally, I'm pretty quick to reply, but this also prevents the case of two people writing a reply at once and posting it at about the same time. Also, it's easier on my brain to know that if the person before has posted I can post. It helps me feel a lot more comfortable in group rps, as I do t do them very often. And this is my first time with such a big group)


Amelia did not like capture the flag. It was too much work for her. It was a bunch of running around and signing swords at each other. It was unnecessary in her opinion. She was already in great physical shape, why did she need to compete? While she was a competitive person, it was only with things she liked. And this was certainly not something she liked.
She was currently standing on the outskirts of their team huddle. She didn't care for the strategy or anything else they might be talking about. She had already planned to stay with the flag and if anyone came to get it she would freely let them. She did not want to fight. She wasn't a fighter, she was a lover. Her mother was Aphrodite for gods sake. It was true that Aohrodite was a fierce fighter when prompted, but she didn't fight just because and neither would Amelia.
Although she must say she did look good in the leather armor, the helmet, not so much. It was such a shame to hide her beautiful face. It should never be covered. And her hair which had been nicely braided would probably be ruined by said helmet. The quicker this was over the quicker she could go back to her cabin and treat herself. She would need it after being out here in the sun for only gods know how long until this would be over.
She was so fed up listening to whoever was tlaking she finally spoke up. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Fight, don't let them get the flag. Get their flag and win. Can we move on now?"


(I've done this a few times and it normally works out just fine with letting people respond however. Especially if everyone is split up rn cause of the teams it would be hard if someone had to wait to respond for a bit to react to a few posts back. But if anything gets to hectic while we're waiting on someone I'll put it on a hold until everyone can catch up.)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Eric moved through the woods, in no particular hurry. The older kids had made plans and moved quickly, and he wasn't entirely sure how they were planning to get the Blue Team's flag. He hadn't followed the conversation very easily, all the terms and maneuvers going over his head, especially in English. The Blue flag was at a distance, hidden near the river, and the Red Team had a plan.
Eric planned on just walking up and taking it.
He'd been at camp all of a week, and hadn't made a lot of friends. Quiet, reserved, and more interested in his gadgets than socializing, he'd kept mostly isolated, coming out of his tent for training and meals, and that was about it. So his team hadn't really known what to do with him, or how to have him really help them.
But Eric had noticed in his training that his grip on his powers was already pretty solid. He already understood a lot about how his powers worked, unlike some of the others, especially the younger ones like him. And where combat was concerned, he had a definitive edge. Not skill with a blade so much, or any fighting capacity per se.
But when you could wear metal and rock like a second skin, combat was a much more even playing field.

So he kept walking steadily towards the river, intent on walking down along the shore till he found the Blue Flag.

@spacebluelily language

Coral disliked many things about Camp, but her number one would always be Capture the Flag. Sure, it brought Cabins together to work towards a common goal, to bring victory to their teams, but that only lasted for a measly night. She disliked the complicated strategies needed for Capture the Flag, as well as the need to run around like wild animals, trying to find a stupid colorful flag. She understood it was Chiron's way of training them for the real world, but surely, there were other ways to do that than Capture the Flag? As she made her way around the woods, she mumbled incoherent things every once in a while. She had no idea what her team's plan was to get Blue Team's flag. She hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation, and honestly, there were a lot of terms she didn't understand. Most of the conversation just entered one ear and then exited the other. All she knew was that she and a boy from Nike cabin, Malcom if she remembered correctly, had been assigned to Border Patrol. It was perhaps one of the few jobs in Capture the Flag that she didn't mind doing. It was usually far away from the action, which meant she didn't have to actually fight…unless things went wrong. As they walked toward the creek, the boy beside her started whispering, telling her some sort of story. Again, she didn't pay much attention, as she knew it would be effortless. Her mind was stuck on Spanish, and at the moment, most English words sounded like gibberish to her.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Reo had a love hate relationship with capture the flag. On one hand, he loved seeing the separate cabins work together while on the other hand, he despised fighting of any kind. This was due to his Hemophilia B, where just the smallest cut could put his whole life in danger. While he'd been dealing with it for fifteen years, he still had yet to get used to it.

Reo stood on the outside cercle, listening to the other people speak, thinking in the plan and deciding he'd just club a tree and sit in the top branches and spectate. No one ever included him in the plans anyways, as most of his cabin embers where aware of his condition and reminded the other members of their team that Reo was practically useless. A fact that he never forgot, but didn't mind. He casts his gaze about, looking for a tree with the best vantage point and walking towards it.

He looks up at the tree and then carefully makes his way up the trunk, swiftly climbing it. If his dad's saw, they would go crazy with panic. But if Reo was good at anything, it was climbing trees without getting hurt. He settled into his desired branch and looked down at his team, watching them from above and settling in for the 'show'.


"Gods, does a single one of you have a modicum of intelligence??" Jason was frustrated again, to absolutely nobodies surprise. Planning should have been over minutes ago, and everything would have been set in action if any of his less than stellar teammates would just listen to him.

The Athena cabin was always in charge, it just made sense, they were the children of the Goddess of Wisdom, so logically they should make the plan. And as the smartest offspring in the cabin, logically, they should all listen to him right? Jason wished. He'd come up with a plan- A brilliant plan- That would absolutely guarantee them victory with maybe a 5% error margin and what did they do? Completely ignored him! Jason was fuming, staring absolute bloody murder at one of the Hermes kids. He leaned in, tapping his finger against their skull, ignoring how the kid flinched away, ugh, gods, new arrivals.
"Did the Ares kids knock you all around so badly last time that you can't recognize a good plan when it's right in front of you? Did the harpies eat your brains while you were asleep or is this just your natural state?"

"I think-" One of the Iris kids, Jason couldn't bother to remember her name tried to pipe up, he cut her off.

"Yes, I can hear the hamster wheel starting to spin."
A couple of his teammates shuffled their feet, and Jason heard someone quietly whisper Gods please, someone shut him up- He gave a cold laugh, throwing up his hands in the air and stalking away, loudly yelling over his shoulder.

"Fine! If you don't want my help, I won't offer it! But don't come crying to me when your pathetic attempt at "brainstorming" falls through." Jason crossed his arms, muttering to himself as he went to go find a place to sulk. They were all idiots, the one time he'd actually tried to help his team out and nOoOoo, they all wanted to go with that moron's Nemesis child's plan. Probably because it involved more blood and gore, the barbarians. It was so simple! They were against cabins like Ares and Dionysus, they weren't exactly going to need Sun Tzu to defeat them. Jason leaned against a tree with a huff, taking off his helmet to ruffle his hair. He'd quite enjoy watching his team lose, Jason decided he didn't like Capture the Flag much anyways.


(And half of the time spent is just looking through everything for what you need, what to throw away, etc. Hope it's a great move!)


Amelia had droned out the Athena son speaking a while ago. He was a talker. He was going on and on about some sort of strategy but she honestly couldn't care less. She distracted herself with cleaning out her nails with a dagger. It was sharp and she had to be careful not to cut herself. She wasn't exactly sure what was going through the camp directors heads when they allowed for children and teenagers to attack each other with sharp blades but here they were. It was a good thing a few of the Apollo children had healing abilities but it was still dangerous. She wasn't sure if she had ever heard if anyone dying during the games and she honestly didn't want to know.

It took everything in herbnot to laugh as the Athena kid was pushed out if the middle and some child of Nemesis took over. She wouldn't listen to that plan either but she coukd at least taunt Jason a little bit for it. He always liked to try and take over for planning. Last Capture the Flag game she was on the opposite team of him, thank gods, but now they've been put together. Amelia leaned up against the tree beside him, smirking just a tad. "Well that went well, didn't it?" She asked him. She sheathed the dagger in her hand. "I guess you can stay here and guard the flag with them then."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The river came into view, and Eric stopped, there on the shore. He contemplated for a moment how to go about this, when he heard shouting from up ahead. The Blue Team must be headed this way, from the number of voices he could hear.
Stepping back a bit, he quickly laid down on his stomach, and pulled the rock here at the river's shore around him, morphing it and melding it together, until he was covered in a layer of rock, and looked like a medium-sized boulder. He made sure not to leave the rock looking human-shaped.

Once Blue Team moved past, he'd just get up and walk to their flag. Simple.

It took a couple minutes, but that's exactly what happened. Nobody noticed him, or paid him any mind, and once he heard the last of them go by, he stood up, and kept walking down the shore, towards where they'd all come from.
He couldn't tell how many it had been, but it had sounded like most of the team. Probably a few guards left, then. He could take them.