forum Camp Half-Blood (closed 5/5)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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(Me trying to decide if I should make someone new, or use one of my previous characters-)

(I mean of you wanna be a child of the big three you definitely can if that helps at all)

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Me trying to decide if I should make someone new, or use one of my previous characters-)

(I mean of you wanna be a child of the big three you definitely can if that helps at all)

(Maybe, but that still leaves me deciding who I should use-)

@spacebluelily language

(Me trying to decide if I should make someone new, or use one of my previous characters-)

(kinda having the same problem but like since the only fully developed character that's a child of the main 12 Olympians is the one i have been using for the past two pjo roleplay i think I'm gonna have to stick with her or i can actually flesh out Antonio and use him here djdjdjejej )


Name: Jason Sharp

Age: Sixteen

Sexuality: He's obnoxious and says sapiosexual but he's just bi and in denial.

Godly parent: Athena

Powers: He's smart, with almost a photographic memory and an incredible knowledge of lots of subjects.

Weapons: Is his mind not enough? He'll use a blunt weapon if he has to, but can't fight very well, has a very good threshold for pain however.

Appearance: Stands about 5'11" and isn't likely to grow much more. Has grey/silver eyes like most of those who have Athena as their godly parent, but he was always privately annoyed they weren't green. Dusty brown hair and a very expressive face. A strong jawline and a slightly crooked nose from when it was broken and set wrong. Very light freckles are placed almost randomly on his face. Lips on the thin side, as he likes to press them together when he's annoyed, which is often. When he can, Jason likes to wear eyeliner or the barest hints of makeup just to make some of his features a bit more defined, more noticeable. His body type isn't sickly skinny, but not too terribly muscled, one might describe him as willowy even. A side note, but this man has killer eyelashes.

Personality: Jason has based being "smart" as his whole personality. He's incredibly arrogant and proud and is used to being the smartest person in the room at all times. He's not very patient with people and is incredibly biting and snarky, constantly rolling his eyes or making snide remarks. A true narcissist through and through. A few people find it surprising, but Jason is not insecure, he likes who he is and is proud of it. He's living life the way he wants to and that way just happens to make a lot of people annoyed. He does struggle to connect with people and has had virtually no friends in his life, just 'peers'. He views everyone else as ignorant, but he truly respects those who try to improve. Jason is flashy, arrogant, narcissistic, and just wholly himself, always, because he spent his whole life having people telling him to be someone he wasn't.

Backstory: Jasons father had to be smart to attract Athena's attention of course. Jason himself didn't have a very high opinion on the man. Head-strong, stubborn, and worst of all to a small boy, dull. A professor in a no name college. He didn't much care for him, but it was necessary to live somewhere. School was a special kind of hell, he, of course, did well academically, but that kind of thing didn't earn you many brownie points with his peers. His unusual behavior and know-it-all attitude made Jason just the perfect target and he constantly found himself in trouble for fights, for disturbances, for simply being himself. So instead of trying to mask his oddities, he flaunted them, instead of beating his eccentricities out of him, it made Jason present them even more, almost exaggerated. In his mind, every beating, every threat, or every note was just proof that he was simply above the others. Besides, he liked all the attention, even the negative kind fed his ego. Ending up at Camp Half-Blood was kind of an accident, but he went there at a fairly young age. Jason wanted to go to some kind of summer school, and his father thought this would be a suitable place. And in the process he learned about his mother.

Other: God, you should have seen him when he found out his mother was the goddess of intelligence. Jason was absolutely unbearable for months.

Deleted user

(that would make it very interesting tho. especially for stalkers)


(Alright just waiting on two more sheets and then I'll put a starter up. Hopefully I'll be able to get the starter up before I go to work tonight but otherwise you'll have to wait until late.)