Ten poisons later sparrow felt like she was going to throw up. “Lockdown lifted.” She said and the door opened. Putting on a jacket, she went out of the bunker and into the forest to go hunting
Ten poisons later sparrow felt like she was going to throw up. “Lockdown lifted.” She said and the door opened. Putting on a jacket, she went out of the bunker and into the forest to go hunting
"You have to get over her somehow," Cyrus said, "I don't blame you for feeling a… a hole in your life, and trying to fill it by being with someone who shines as brightly as Sparrow does. And she… she has free will. She's not my property. She's not yours. She has chosen this, and I can't act like it's not a consequence of what I did."
Cyrus held his injured hand a little closer.
Jesus, I hit hard.
Ignoring the two men, she went deeper into the forest and climbed a tree
"That is true, she can make her own decisions." But, this one? Did she actually like him or was she doing the same. "I'm just so confused. " Uriah buried his face in his hands. He wasn't sure what to feel in this moment. A memory of Zhavia crossed his mind. Her smile and gentleness, her strong willed personality. Maybe Sparrowed reminded him a little of Zhavia. "I miss her, Cy. I miss her a lot." Uriah didn't like to cry in front of people, but he couldn't stop it.
“Dammit, Uriah! Now I'm going to start crying….” Cyrus sighed, “I miss her too. A lot.”
He shuffled slowly towards Uriah.
"You're not allowed to cry right now, you have to be the strong one in this relationship." Uriah laughed a little trying to make himself forget about Zhavia. He was going to have to talk to Sparrow again. He hated it but she probably felt the same, so it's okay. Forget about her. She's gone and theres nothing you can do about it.
"Me? The strong one?" Cyrus asked. He laughed. "I don't… I'm not so sure about that."
(If I’m not on, donut take it personally because my family is hosting a bbq party and people are just about to start coming)
"I know, I know… We both know I'm the strong one in this relationship, yet here I am crying." He wiped his tears before looking up at Cyrus. "I really am sorry you know. I think I was just attention deprived or something." He really didn't want to lose Cyrus, even if that mean giving up on him and Sparrow.
"Stop making excuses. If you're going to be dating, I want to know you actually like each other. It's… it's okay if you do. I messed up royally, and it's not my business to meddle in a relationship because I did."
Cyrus felt a bit choked up.
Uriah still wasn't entirely sure still. He felt like he did something horrible, but he did have a bit of feelings for Sparrow. "Listen, I just need to think." Uriah stood and walk out into the forest a bit more and sat under a tree, where there was a dry spot.
(Where are the others? I have a feeling info on the Zoe mission would be best right now)
(that's what i was going to ask)
(FrickIm back, where is Shade?)
(I've been waiting……………….)
(ok everyone is here)
(AHHHHHH Im soooo sorry
stupid life
anyway where were we?)
(we were packing up the tents and about to head out)
After packing the tents and going on a 7 mile trek, they reached their old guild, Zoe comfortable sat in a tree as she scanned the area, observing what had changed.
Alex hid behind another tree and looked up at Zoe "See anything different?"
Luna hopped up on a tree nearby scanning. She was playing a game of spot the difference.
Alex climbed the tree he was hiding behind this is just one big freaking game of spot the deadly difference
"Aren't you the tech expert?" Zoe had expected him to see something.
(Since the rest of us had this huge span of just talking, y’all can just converse. Lol)
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