"So you wouldn't mind being together with me?" He would love to have Sparrow by his side and just someone to hold when he needed them, and he could hold her to when she wanted.
"So you wouldn't mind being together with me?" He would love to have Sparrow by his side and just someone to hold when he needed them, and he could hold her to when she wanted.
She smiled and kissed him lightly “does that answer your question?”
Cyrus had stepped outside and into the edge of the forest when he saw Sparrow and Uriah. He was about to greet them, but then he saw her kiss him and his whole body suddenly felt numb.
"It sure does." He smiled and kissed her again. Uriah wasn't sure if he was in love, but he definitely liked Sparrow. Uriah doesn't take love lightly, and if Sparrow is the one, he's totally fine with that.
“We should get back. I have to make the poisons, pack for our trip, and we’re going to catch hypothermia if we stay here longer.”
"Yeah you're right." Uriah picked up his umbrella an dusty closed it since he was wet anyway. "So, what kind of poisons are you going to make?" He was still very interested in learning how to make poisons.
“A lot of different kinds.” she told him the names and started walking back to the guild
"You'll teach me how to make some right? It would be nice to know something besides sword fighting." Which he was amazing at, but no ones really got to see what he could do.
Cyrus was trembling, and completely frozen, leaning up against a tree's trunk. He was angry, but he wasn't sure he was angry at them. After all, he deserved to see his love with a much better guy. He saw Sparrow start walking in his general direction, and he should have run, but he didn't. He couldn't.
“And what do I get in return?” She teased. Suddenly she froze and her body language was on the defensive side.”
Uriah saw that she froze up but wasn't sure why. "Do you see something?" Uriah looked into the distance and could vaguely make up out a body. "Oh, the goggles." He slipped them on and saw Cyrus against a tree. "Well, damn." How long has he been standing there? Uriah left Sparrow's side and walked up to Cy. "Listen, Cy, it kind of just happened out of no where and did-" Nothong he said would make this better. He just betrayed his bestfriend.
“I’m going back to the bunker. Uriah do you want to learn how to make poisons?” She asked, ignoring Cyrus
Uriah was torn right now, but Sparrow was more important. "I'm really sorry." Uriah ran back to Sparrows side and opened the hatch for her. He felt his heart was about to burst and right now he wish it would.
"I-I know…" he managed, "It doesn't mat- Who am I kidding? It does matter… It hurts a lot. But…"
I only have myself to blame.
Cyrus' stance was closed and cold, and he just couldn't explain how he felt.
Sparrow came into the bunker and made a beeline for her room. Taking off all her gadgets, she started punching the very conveniently place punching bag in her room
Uriah went down and kissed Sparrow. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back okay?" He just couldn't leave without having a talk with Cyrus. It just didn't feel right to leave him out there. Uriah climbed back out to see Cyrus in the same spot. And after he encouraged him to try his best with Sparrow. "Cy?"
"Yeah…?" Cyrus asked, looking up barely.
He had his fists clenched tight, and he had to make a conscious effort to steady his breathing to keep from sobbing.
Uriah came out to talk to him, but he had no idea what to say. "I'm sorry." He looked to the ground and bit his lip. This was a dumb idea, I probably just got caught up in the moment. Zhavia died not even that long ago. How could I be so stupid. Uriah was scared that he was about to lose his best friend. "You can totally punch me if you want, I kind of deserve it."
Cyrus turned around quickly and took a single swing at Uriah. He punched him square in the middle of the chest, not holding back. But then he stopped after the one punch. Cyrus may have been livid, but Uriah didn't deserve any more than that. After all, it was Cyrus' fault.
Uriah fell back and slid in the mud. He didn't move for a while. Damn, that hurt. He was able to turn on his back but still struggled to take a breath. Did he really have to punch me that hard. He just couldn't find his breath. So he laid there unable to talk, even though he still had a lot to say.
"S-sorry…" Cyrus muttered, "I'm done. I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?"
He had his arms crossed. Cyrus didn't know how to feel. He was angry, ashamed, and such a large mix of other emotions that he couldn't quite put words to it, much less deal with them properly.
Uriah put his hand up. "J-Just having a hard time breathing but I'll be fine." This is exactly what I was afraid of, hes freaking strong and could probably kill me if he wanted too. Finally he sat up, he didn't stand he just decided to sit in the rain. "You have the right to be mad, but you know it's not entirely my fault right?" He didn't want to make him more mad, but it was the true. "If you liked her so much, you shouldn't have been so scared to just tell her."
Sparrow stopped and wiped the sweat from her face. Still in her wet clothes, she took a quick shower and changed into a camouflage tank top and blacks jeans. “Room lockdown code alpha-b1.” She said. The room locked and two cameras outside her door started up. She turned on her lights and some old music then she got to work
"You think I don't know that?" Cyrus snapped, "You didn't deserve that! You don't deserve to be the target of my anger at all because I did this to myself."
He turned and drove his fist into the trunk of the tree he had been leaning on. Of course, with as hard as he hit, the tough bark of the tree hit back just as hard. It was extremely painful, but Cyrus was convinced he deserved it.
"Sparrow deserves a guy who has his shit together. A guy like you."
Uriah chuckled. "I don't have it together as much as you think." He's practically using Sparrow to make himself feel better, and honestly she might be doing the same. He felt bad. Sparrow did deserve someone who can take care of her. She was kind, beautiful, strong, Uriah truly likes her, but maybe not in the way he really thinks. "You think I'm such a good guy, but my first love died not that long ago and here I am moving on already." He tried not to yell because it would make things worse. He stayed as calm as he could. "And don't be made at her, I made the first move."
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