(Yes. I like that man. Keep him.)
(Yes. I like that man. Keep him.)
(Now that I'm 22 I've noticed how messed up people actually are, I mean I've noticed for a while. Most teenagers get on my nerves not because their parents just don't care what they do, and it drives me insane. P.S. Of you are a teenager on here I'm not talking about you so please don't take that the wrong way, not all teenagers are bad. I've just now started to notice the bad ones. You guys are awesome so I hope you dont take offense to that.)
(Oh yeah, you guys are awesome. I’m fresh out of high school, and I think most of the kids there were awful and just disrespectful in general.)
(And yes, @ShadeStar I do intend to keep him. It’s been almost 2 years at this point, and life is good. Also ignore the fact that Cyrus is low-key modeled after him in a few ways.)
(Lol good. Also I’m going into Junior year of High school and hate a majority of my grade. They all suck. Also slightly fearful of the incoming freshmen because they are the literal devils from what I’ve heard.)
(I was homeschooled, so I have no idea what high school is like. I wish I could've experienced it though.)
(Fun fact: No you don’t.)
(It was… an experience… then again, I’m from one of the worst school districts in one of the worst states (but still one of the best schools in the state somehow? Lol test scores I guess?), so things were rough. Adults did not know how to handle things properly, and a lot of the kids were gross and terrible. Especially the ones that were younger than us. They got worse and worse.)
(I’m still in high school so… shall we rp?)
(We shall! Who was the last one.)
"Annoying, me?" He put his hand on his chest in fake offense. "I like to think I'm a joy to be around." He smiled and got a drink of water. All he could think about was how he hoped he picked the right path and wasn't leading Sparrow and Krista to their deaths.
(Okay so it was me. I'll just wait.)
“Belladonna, check! Nightshade, check. Ivy, check…” sparrow listed off a few other ingredients and then went to go get the things she didn’t have. She came out into the main room to see if anyone wanted to come with her. “I’m going to get poisons. Anyone wanna join?” She asked
"Me!" Uriah raised his hand. He wanted to learn more about poisons and just being a assassin in general. "I'll go if that's alright?"
“Sure, I mean if we’re going with you, it’s better if you know some stuff about poisons just in case I can’t make an antidote.” Sparrow shrugged and hoisted her bag on her shoulders
Uriah didn't have much to grabbed. But it was still raining out so he took two umbrellas and handed one to Sparrow. "Here. Don't want you catching cold before we leave."
She smiled “told ya, annoying big brother.”
"Yeah, yeah. Just take the umbrella." Uriah rolled his eyes and smiled. At least she doesn't hate me. He walked over and opened the hatch for Sparrow first. It was natural for him at this point to open doors for people and let ladies go first. That's just how he was raised.
She raised a brow “chivalrous too? What else are you planning to surprise us with?” She asked, smiling. It had been so long since she felt this happy. Her smile dropped Elliot… she thought.
(Am I the only one who thinks that maybe Sparrow and Uriah should date for a while? But it doesn't last because they realize they're probably better off as friends or something? And then we have that year time skip eventually, and Sparrow x Cyrus finally becomes a thing? Just a suggestion that I thought might add an interesting subplot.)
(I'm good with anything, it's up to Stark.)
"Dont make fun of me, it's a habit. Remember I was noble, well I guess I still kind of am." He climbed out after her and opened his umbrella. "How can you see with all this rain? Plus its till kind of dark out."
(Same lol. Maybe after they break up, they pretend their still dating for…reasons lol)
She looked at him “did you not bring goggles? Mine have lights on them and have a hidden dagger.” She said showing him
"You should have told me to bring some." How was he supposed to know that he needed goggles. "You're the expert you should be the one to tell me what to bring and what to do." Uriah was new to all this so he was extremely naive when it came to these things.
She smirked and lifted a finger. Hanging off if it was a prototype goggles pair. “Here. These are just a prototype but they are pretty cool. You have lights, and 2 hidden daggers. They can give you information on things if you voice search.”
"Nice… did you make these?" He put them on and it definitely helped him see better. Thank goodness too because he almost ran into a tree, and that would've been embarrassing. Sparrow would've definitely laughed at him. "All of you are so good at making things." This just made him feel worse about himself though, there wasn't much he was bringing to the team.
“Kinda. I had a little help.” She was not going to tell him how Ryker used it as a toy and somehow made it work. “I’m good at poisons, and decent at tech. The others are good at other things.” She said
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