“What do you need? I have nothing to do so…” she trailed off
“What do you need? I have nothing to do so…” she trailed off
Krista had been watching the group for a bit. The bird is now my favourite.
"I'm willing to lend a hand."
(I have to get up at 4 am, so… I'm going to go to sleep.)
(Bye illy! Also true Caelin that bird is me)
“What do you require from us?”
"Rope, gloves tents, food, water. All the stuff for a normal trip and then stuff for a mountain path, because that's the best route." Uriah was sure it was, not many people took that path because it was dangerous to go through, he was willing to risk it though. "If you want to back out, this would be the time because we leave in two days."
Sparrow nodded “I can get stuff for a mountain trip but it’ll take me 1 day to gather everything to refill my poison supply.”
"That's fine, we still have two days." Uriah patted Sparrow's head. "Ah, sorry, it's kind of became a habit. I didn't that with Zhavia. Uriah definitely didn't want to get on Sparrow's bad side, she's scary when shes mad.
“It’s fine.” She smiled aoftly
Thank goodness. Uriah wasn't going to lie, he was a bit afraid of her, more like all of them. He just cam to the realization that if he did something to them that they didn't like, they could kill if in his sleep. Assassin's are terrifying. "If I ever do something you don't like just tell me."
“Your like an annoying older brother!” She laughed. “I’m going to go get my poison supplies.” She said and got up
"Annoying, me?" He put his hand on his chest in fake offense. "I like to think I'm a joy to be around." He smiled and got a drink of water. All he could think about was how he hoped he picked the right path and wasn't leading Sparrow and Krista to their deaths.
(Anyone else on?)
(Off topic, but I have ridiculously loud neighbors in my dorm and I have no idea what to do. My roommate and I are night-owls when it comes to studying, and they love to have several other girls over at night, and this has been every day since we got here. I'm not ready to make enemies just yet lmao. Anyone smarter than I am have suggestions? I am thinking of starting my slipping a note under the door that has an image from that vine, "I ain't get no sleep cuz of y'all! Y'all ain't get no sleep cuz of me!" But while really funny, that probably won't do anything.)
(You should just talk to them. If you explain the situation, and then tell them how loud they're being it should work itself out. I doubt they even know how loud they are being.)
(No, they're terrible. I heard them talking about how someone already confronted them, and they were just like, "Oh, I don't see why they're complaining. We hear everything too! We suffer just as much!" They're literally the loudest people on the hall and aware that other people hear. They're just very inconsiderate from what I gather. I guess I could take it up with the RA, but I'm not sure how much he could do.)
(Okay, then you need to take it up to the higher ups. They won't learn without serious consequences, especially since it's effecting everyone else there. One thing I've learned, is that if you bring it up enough times, something is going to get done.)
(I've always experienced to opposite, so we'll see. I finished high school looking like a total ass because of a similar situation.)
(That sucks.)
(Lol at that point I didn't care, because they were complaints against a guy who was literally the worst person I ever met, and he often harassed girls, including my friend, but the principal loved him because his dad was someone higher up, and the adults gave up on trying to do something because he was untouchable. I threatened to fight him once. I don't think a noise complaint compares to that.)
(No it doesn't. Lol)
( idk how to help)
(Excuse my language, but that's bull shit! That's What's wrong with adults these days, they care more about who the person is rather then what they are doing to others. God, I fucking hate adults and I am one haha.)
(I agree. Most of my life up to this point has been adults telling me I'm wrong because I'm a kid lol. And I'm almost 19. I think I know when something's up and when people are really bothering others.)
(If it makes anyone feel any better though, one time, my boyfriend flipped this guy into a bush and now the bush is slightly deformed)
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