Eira looked up and walked into the kitchen. She walked up and hugged Cyrus from behind, “Everything Alright?”
Eira looked up and walked into the kitchen. She walked up and hugged Cyrus from behind, “Everything Alright?”
"Nope. Not at all. I keep making everything worse," Cyrus muttered. He got one of the med kits out and rubbed a little alcohol over the wound. It burned, and he winced a bit.
“How are you making things worse?” She asked, making Cyrus face and look down at her.
"I saw them… I-I saw them kiss…" Cyrus managed, "Sparrow ignored me, and Uriah stopped to talk to me. He said to punch him- probably didn't mean it- but I took him up on his offer. I don't know what to feel, and I should probably just distance myself. Let them go on that mission. Ugh… I'm not sure anymore. I'm about ready to just give up."
He kept working on his hand, eventually pulling out bandages and wrapping it up. Blood spread out in the first thin layer of bandages, so he tightened them and layered a little more over it.
"But that's not important. Any sort of luck here?"
“Cyrus, don’t ‘that’s not important me’ how long have we known known each other? Don’t say you want to give up, please don’t.” Eira said gently.
"I have nothing left but you," he sighed, "I'm so thankful you're still my friend after all of this."
Zelda jumped up on the table in front of him and meowed. Cyrus almost started sobbing right there. He could feel his whole body shudder as he suppressed the tears. He couldn't do this in front of Eira. He couldn't break yet again.
“I could never leave you, never stop being your friend. I know… I know since the whole thing with Alex we haven’t spent as much time together and that’s saying something since we’re stuck here but…” She gave her oldest friend a warm smile, “I couldn’t leave you, Cy. Not ever.”
Cyrus was shaking. He did his best to steady his breathing enough to say, "Thank you…"
He placed his good hand on Zelda's head in order to calm himself, but it wasn't working very well. There was very little calm left in him after all of this.
“You don’t need too.” She said quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
And that's exactly when the dam Cyrus had built holding back all of his sadness burst. It started as a few tears, but before he knew it, he was sobbing. Cyrus bent over the table in front of him, covering his face to hide it from Eira.
Eira just held him, trying not to cry herself. It pained her to see her best friend cry, to feel so sad and hurt. ‘You’re okay’ wasn’t enough right now, nothing was to help his sadness. So she hugged Cyrus, staying with her friend.
(I feel so heartbroken now. Poor Cy. I also feel that I just ruined Uriah's cute older brother cinnamon roll personality and I really didn't want that.)
(Awwww, he’s still mostly a cinnamon roll)
(Aghhh I forgot I'm painfully empathetic, even towards fictional characters, so this only hurts a lot.)
Cyrus laid his head down on the table, and though he was reassured by Eira's presence, it was something that made him cry more, because at this point, he couldn't really be afraid to show how he felt- not to a lifelong friend. He let himself cry for a good while before getting up and hugging Eira tightly.
"I'm sorry you had to see that… but uh… thanks for being there for me."
Cyrus felt incredibly hollow inside. He had no tears left to cry, and felt numb and almost emotionless entirely, as he had just dumped a few months' worth of emotion out.
(But nah, I think it's all character development. Cy doesn't fault him, and he feels bad for how he reacted, so that should reflect once they both figure things out. They're just both very confused.)
Eira gave him a sad smile and hugged him back, “There’s no need to thank me. I will always be there for you, no matter what happens. I’m your best friend after all, so don’t apologise for crying in front of me.”
Uriah had thought for a while, and even looked for Sparrow for a bit but couldn't but couldn't find her. Going back to the bunker was the best idea, since he was soaking wet and would most likely end up sick after this. As he was climbing down the ladder, he winced at the pain in his chest. He didn't bother looking at anyone. He felt guilty, but at the same time not. The confusing emotions swirl violently inside as he walked into the bathroom. Lifting up his shirt there was already a bruise forming in the middle of his chest from Cy's punch. "Damn, that guy can hit hard." He couldn't let anyone see this, not even Cy. It may make him feel worse. Uriah stepped out of that bathroom and decided to try and find some dry clothes for himself.
"Okay. I just had a lot on my chest. I mean, I always do. I just need to distract myself again… I should get over it eventually, but then again, maybe I won't. After all, tomorrow there are still going to be people trying to kill us. I still will have messed up time and time again and hurt people that didn't deserve it." Cyrus stopped and took a breath, then continued. "I shouldn't keep talking like that, now should I? I know my pessimism has to bum everyone out. I also need to stop getting reckless when I'm all emotional because I keep hurting myself. That arrow wound in the back of my leg has mostly healed, but because I jerked it out when I knew I shouldn't have- because the tip was barbed- I caused more extensive injury that may make it difficult to walk for a lot longer than I bargained for. And I keep doing stuff like that. I punched Uriah, then I turned around and punched a tree, of all things. My hand is badly bruised at best. All because I don't know how to deal with what I'm feeling."
“You need to find another outlet instead of hurting yourself when you can’t deal with things. Come talk to me for God’s sake, I’ll always be there to listen to you no matter what, alright?” Eira placed a hand on his cheek, “I don’t care if your a pessimist or optimist, I just want you to be you.”
"Cy, shut the hell up!" Uriah glared at him from the door. "Cut the shit, Cy and grow up! You think your the only one with problems and have messed up? Well you're wrong." Uriah walked up to him. The were the same height, but body wise Cyrus was a bit bigger. "You really have to stop beating yourself up like this, it's not good or healthy. This kind of attitude is What's going to get people killed." Uriah was upset, but not only at Cy, but at himself as well. "Please, just stop." He didn't know if this was going to help, Uriah did it anyway though and pulled him in for a hug. "You're also my bestfriend here, and I just hate seeing you like this." Even though most of it is my fault.
Eira took a step back and sat on the counter top, crossing her legs.
"You're not angry? How the hell are you not running the other way? I could've… killed you… And besides, it's not like I actively try to hurt myself. I just get blinded by how I feel and become reckless, which is horribly ironic, as much as I fret over little details on missions and worry about you guys getting hurt. I've been trying to curb all of that in-the-moment carelessness, but it's hard. It's nothing new, and you know what they say about old habits."
Cyrus hugged Uriah back briefly, but he just felt bad about the whole situation and didn't want to touch the very man he had just hurt. It felt wrong. He tried flexing his hand again, but it was swollen and he couldn't bend the joints very well. He muttered a few choice words to himself.
Uriah smiled and tapped Cy's cheek. "I could never be mad at you, honestly it should be the other way around." He walked over to the fridge and opened it. "Now, what's there to eat." Uriah wasn't going to lie, that hug really hurt his chest. "Do you guys want anything? I'm a pretty good cook." He felt like he hasn't eaten in a while.
"Tha-that's it…?" Cyrus gasped, both surprised and relieved.
He drew closer and scanned the fridge. "Is this stuff all still good? I've been sticking to rations and canned food primarily, since I'm not sure when this bunker was last stocked."
Eira shrugged from her place on the counter, “I’m not sure in all honesty. But… I’m not that hungry so it doesn’t matter for me.” She said, giving a small smile.
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