Assassin’s guild//Finished Rp//Look for part 2
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(Yes I do. She is amazing.)
"The building has to have metal in it somewhere and it's on fire. What I need is hot metal someone just go now or she will die." Damn it! "Krista I need you to stay wake."
Deleted user
(what the hell am i listening too?)
@Becfromthedead group
Cyrus staggered over to Zhavia. “What do you need? She okay?”
His pain was mostly gone, but having lost two or three pints of blood, he was moving around almost drunkenly. The edges of his vision occasionally went black, but he knew he needed to focus on the task at hand.
He muttered, “This is all my fault… I should have… I should’ve seen it coming…”

Deleted user
Zoe sighef before going into the building and getting her a piece of metal.
Deleted user
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
Deleted user
(Very fun)

Deleted user
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
(Says you, I'm literally in pain, one sec.)
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
(Says you, I'm literally in pain, one sec.)
(what happened?)
"Cyrus you sit down!" She shot him a cold look. "I don't need you passing out on me." Zhavia's mind was running wild. To many of us are injured, severely injured.

Luna looked to Zhavia, "Need some help?"
Deleted user
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
(Says you, I'm literally in pain, one sec.)
(Are you okay?)
Deleted user
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
(Says you, I'm literally in pain, one sec.)
(what happened?)
(Hiccups man, my stomach is in pain and water isn'y helping.)
Deleted user
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
(Says you, I'm literally in pain, one sec.)
(Are you okay?)
(No I am not ok, its bren going on for 10 MINUTES!)
Deleted user
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
(Says you, I'm literally in pain, one sec.)
(Are you okay?)
(No I am not ok, its bren going on for 10 MINUTES!)
(oh…..ummmmm hold your breath??)
"Please," she grabbed Lunas hand and put it on the lower half of the cut. "If Zoe doesn't come back soon," Zhavia didn't want to think about it. "Ah, sorry about grabbing you suddenly. I'm just a but flustered right now and my brain os going wild."

Luna shook her head and held the wound, "It's fine. I'll help where I can."
Deleted user
Zoe gave Zhavia the metal. "You're welcome, we need to atleast get a stretchet and get out of here."
Deleted user
(sigh this is gonna be a fun day)
(Says you, I'm literally in pain, one sec.)
(Are you okay?)
(No I am not ok, its bren going on for 10 MINUTES!)
(oh…..ummmmm hold your breath??)
(Im trying…..)
Deleted user
(oki den)