Luna snapped, "I said nothing. There was absolutely nothing!"
Luna snapped, "I said nothing. There was absolutely nothing!"
Zhavia gou up and went through the cupboard one more time. What she found was something she shouldn't get into but, who cares. Pulling out the bottle of wine she poured herself a glass. She brought the bottle of wine with her to her chair. "Wonder if anyone's awake."
Zoe took a ragged deep breath as she wiped tears from her tear-stained cheeks. Her eyes were probably puffy red and her hair was probably a mess. She was in there for a while, so she figured everyone was asleep as she opened the door.
Eira tried sleeping but after a while she woke up from pain and nightmares. She sat up, winced and tried to calm her breathing down. He ran a hand over her face then looked down at her bandage.
Alexander, after replacing his bandage, glanced at Eria and walked to her bunk "you ok?"
Cyrus was now curious. He located the files on himself and began reading. There was a lot to read, and quite a bit was positive and talked about his skill in planning missions, but then of course, he read through a section highlighting his weaknesses, and there were just so many.
Cyrus flipped to the section on his history and lineage, and he threw the file across the room.
“Damn you, Panther!” he cried out.
The first cup was gone before she knew it. The alcohol burned her throat but it didn't bother her. "Forget the glass," she decided it would just be easier to drink from the bottle.
“I’d say yes but then I’d by lying.” She said quietly, not looking at Alexander because she had tears in her eyes.
Luna looked up to Cyrus. She whispered quietly, "What did it say?"
“Well, he was responsible for sending both of my parents on a mission against this guild that killed them both. And what’s he done? Sent me on the same sort of mission with my friends, and we nearly failed. In fact, we didn’t reach all our objectives, and I expect him to be pissed that we couldn’t do something that even adults with more experience couldn’t do!” Cyrus explained, becoming a little flustered in his anger, “Sure, missions are dangerous, but we should go in knowing that we could die. Not expecting to die…”
“I’d say yes but then I’d by lying.” She said quietly, not looking at Alexander because she had tears in her eyes.
"you need anything, water, food, bandage change?"
Luna would be angry, but was a bit more shocked at the words friends. She frowned, "That isn't right. He should learn a lesson."
She shook her head, “No I don’t think so.”
Zhavia slammed the door open holding a whole new bottle. "Anybody want any?" She asked waving the bottle in her hands. Popping the lid she took the first drink.
Alexander shook his head at Zhavia and looked back to Eria "well if you do need anything, just ask." he tilted his head to try to get a look at her face.
“It probably won’t sit well with my pain meds, but hit me up, Zhavia,” Cyrus called after her, “Revenge can wait. For now, I’ll get blackout drunk and wallow in my misery.”
Eira finally looked up a little teary eyed, “Does a hug count?” She asked.
he chuckled "yes a hug counts." Alexander gave Eria a gentle hug as to try not to reopen her wound.
(They’re cute)
“Thank you.” She said quietly, hugging him back and burying her head in his neck.
(they are)
"no problem." a smile spread across his face.
"Coming right up." She winked at him before walking back into the kitchen and grabbing a glass. She was definitely buzzed but could still walk straight. "Here." She handed him a glass of wine then taking a drink herself.
(hehe, I ship ‘em)
“No, really. Thanks for everything you did today.” She pulled back a little so she could look at his face.
(Well we need a little fluff among all this angst.)
Cyrus downed his glass of wine quickly. It was disgusting. He hated wine. He was in it to get drunk so that maybe he could stop thinking. Maybe he could temporarily forget.
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