@Becfromthedead group
Cyrus accept Zhavia’s hug and started sobbing even harder once he was in her arms.
Cyrus accept Zhavia’s hug and started sobbing even harder once he was in her arms.
Krista blinked a couple times. As she realized what she was doing she blushed furiously. She handed the needle back to Zoe.
“Sorry, force of habi-“ She slapped her hands onto her mouth. What the hell am i doing!?
Zoe gave her a look of both suspision and concern as she nodded her head. ",Okkkkkk." Before proceding to inject the serum into Cryus's arm.
Cyrus jerked back upon feeling the needle enter his arm, but between the pain medicine, a ton of alcohol, and the just-added sleep medicine, his body was overwhelmed. He crashed to the floor and didn’t move.
He pulled Zhavia down with him to the floor. "Ow." She removed his arms off of her. "We should probably get him in a bed.
"Yeah we should, you get the arms I get the legs."
Meanwhile, Krista had backed herself into a corner.
"Okay." She lifted him with all her strength and set him in bed. "I'm so tired." She sat next to his bed all the strength in her body leaving.
Zoe sighed as she drapped Zhavia's arm around her neck and dragged her to her bed and st her down. "Now, sleep, pleeaasse."
"Yeah, thanks." She turned over in bed and closed her eyes and fell asleep.
(Time skip to next morning?)
( yes.)
Zoe woke up early the next morning and went back to the room and set up some targets for her to train with. No one else was up and it actually felt nice for once.
(I would like Cyrus to be shipped with someone eventually , but we’ll see where that goes. I could totally see him with Sparrow bc friends to lovers, but idk)
Cyrus, still holding the empty bottle, got up to face Zoe, but he right away fell over. The bottle shattered upon impact, sending shards flying.
(I’m cool with that!)
Sparrow came back down to check up on the others
Cyrus woke up in a bed with no concept of how late it was. All he knew was that his head was throbbing, his muscles ached, and he felt like he was going to throw up. He laid his head back and groaned. There was no way he was getting up anytime soon.
(Cool. I’m pretty pumped because every rp I’ve ever been in died before my character was able to form a relationship with anyone.)
Sparrow went into the kitchen to look for food. Finding some bread and army food provisions, she started eating
Krista was curled up in a ball, still on the floor in a corner. The two pendants lay loose in her grip.
Zhavia woke up to see most of everyone was awake. Surprisingly she felt perfectly fine, even with how much she drank last night. Not taking the risk though she stood and walked to the kitchen to get some water for herself. "Weird."
“What’s weird?” Sparrow asked from her place
"I feel completely fine after drinking like." She looked at the bottles on the ground and counted them. "Four bottles of wine last night." Is this normal, she didn't know because that was her first time drinking.
“I dunno I haven’t drank before.” Sparrow shrugged “want something to eat?”
Luna woke up to grass in her face. Oh right, she had fallen asleep outside.
"Please, I'm starving." Drinking the rest of the water she took a different glass out and put it water in it for Cyrus. He was probably going to need it. "I'll be back." Zhavia said to sparrow before walking out with the glass. "Cyrus, here." She sat next to him handing the glass of water over.
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