Eira tried to reach for the ear peice, “Guys, h-help.” She said before it was quickly crushed
Eira tried to reach for the ear peice, “Guys, h-help.” She said before it was quickly crushed
"Your just going to leave him there?" She was sure that she would try and bring him back. "I mean I won't argue,I just figured since its James and all. Wont he just get welcomed back?" Zoe probably knew that Zhavia figured out who it was by now.
Alexander, after some time found Eira and sprinted down the hall and lunged for the attacker with the shock gauntlets.
(Is it bad that I ship Alexander and Eira?)
“Sparrow, we’re still missing people!” Cyrus shouted, much louder and more forceful than he intended. He turned towards the enemy guild, trembling. He wanted to go back in, but obviously that wasn’t smart. Not in his state.
(Nope, I do too)
Eira did her best to move out the way, but when she did pain shot through her body. She cried out and her breathing became more raged
(no not really)
Alexander placed his gauntlets on either sides of his head and sent a pulse through his brain.
The man fell to the ground, unconscious. Eira watched with wide eyes, slumped against the wall and hand clutching the wound
"Your just going to leave him there?" She was sure that she would try and bring him back. "I mean I won't argue,I just figured since its James and all. Wont he just get welcomed back?" Zoe probably knew that Zhavia figured out who it was by now.
Zoe almost choked. "Who?!" She was genuiently surprised that she actually knew. The diary stupid. Zoe decided that it was no use bringing him with her although she wanted to.
Alexander turned to Eria and quickly put her arm around his shoulder "come on, we gotta get out of here, unless you want him dead…"
"Oh, sorry I thought that you knew that I figured it out. Anyway if you want to leave him I won't fight you on it." Zhavia listened for voices to see if she can find the others.
“N-no, let’s just go.” Eira stuttered, clutching onto Alexander like her life depended on it.
“Sparrow, I'm going back in,” Cyrus said frantically, “We have to do something! I don’t know what!” He wasn’t thinking clearly and started running back towards the building.
"Oh, sorry I thought that you knew that I figured it out. Anyway if you want to leave him I won't fight you on it." Zhavia listened for voices to see if she can find the others.
"Why are you thinking it's him?" Zoe asked in a soft quiet voice.
Alexander basically carried her all the way back outside.
Cyrus saw Eira in Alexander’s arms and stopped in his tracks.
“Is that…? Eira?! Eira!!!” Cyrus had lost his cool almost and had thrown stealth to the wind.
"Its a random boy I've never met and even if we are here to save people from our guild. you wouldn't be that desperate to save them." She pused "You would only do that for someone you care about and the two most important people to you would be Luna and James." It was easy to put together when she thought about it. Seeing her like this reminds her of how she is with Uriah. She missed him so much and couldn't wait to go back.
Luna called into the comms, "Is everyone out?"
Alexander quickened his pace trying to get away from the building before he was shot "Cyrus what the fuck, get back to the group…"
Eira hissed at the pain that surged through her, and she was losing a lot of blood, “Alex, I-I’m losing too much blood.”
"Its a random boy I've never met and even if we are here to save people from our guild. you wouldn't be that desperate to save them." She pused "You would only do that for someone you care about and the two most important people to you would be Luna and James." It was easy to put together when she thought about it. Seeing her like this reminds her of how she is with Uriah. She missed him so much and couldn't wait to go back.
"You know I know other people out of the guild and James…." Zoe didn't bother to finish the sentence. James was alive and was laying next to her, but this was something she was keeping private right now. It was very personal to her and she didn't want anyone, but Luna to know right now.
Cyrus kept pace with Alexander once he somewhat snapped Cyrus back into reality.
He was heading back to the group, but there were still people missing. He couldn’t help but feel responsible.
“Alexander, get her somewhere safe. Sparrow has a med kit. We can help her,” he said, still frantic, but a little more level-headed than before.
Eira hissed, “It’s always me that gets stabbed in the abdomen.” She muttered, trying to distract herself.
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