Luna walked up to the group. She was perched up in a tree, just cause.
Luna walked up to the group. She was perched up in a tree, just cause.
"Seriously," she put his arm around her shoulder. "Lean on me for now." Cyrus was a lot bigger then her so she hoped he didn't fully pass out or he was dragging her down with him. "Sit here." She took a needle and put it in his wound. "This should ease the pain. "I've only seen other people do this so I apologize." Zhavia cleaned a sewing needle with alcohol to kill whatever may be on it. She shoved a towel in his mouth. "Bite on this if you have to." She began to sew up his wound.
Alexander kept glancing at the facility and took out a few stragglers trying to chase after the group.
Cyrus shouted in pain, muffled by the towel in his mouth. His muscles tensed up, and his breathing quickened. He tried to relax so as not to make Zhavia’s work harder, but his mind was racing and the pain was a little too much to ignore. Cyrus hoped the painkiller she’d given him would kick in soon.
"You can't tense up like that. Think of something you love and try to relax." She had no idea what she was saying but she's heard someone say that before. "The more you chill the faster I we can get to Krista."
"here, i think i can help." he held up the shock gauntlets "i can stimulate his nerves. it'll dull the pain immensely, and give time for the pain-killers to take effect."
"Oh, Alexander. Thank you." She continued pulling the needle through. When she was done she tied a knot at the end. Blood covered her hands and she used her clothes to wipe them off. "Done. Let's move on." She grabbed her stuff and ran to Krista. "My hands need to be clean to continue. Is there water around." She shook her head. "That will take to long." She took the open alcohol and and poured over her hands. "Ow, damn it bruns." All the cuts on her hands started to burn and throb. "Okay, I'm going to clean the blood first. Alexander do you have a cloth I could use?"
"Uh yeah, here" Alexander pulled a washcloth out of his pack and handed it to Zhavia.
Krista’s body shuddered with a laboured breath.
She poured alcohol on the cloth. "We wouldn't want bacteria getting in and infecting the wounds." She looked down and wiped the cuts and blood. "Its going to sting, a lot." She wiped thoroughly making sure everything is clean. "Alexander find any of the deeper wounds take a cloth and try and stop the bleed while I work on this on on her side." She took a need and did the same thing she did with Cyrus.
Krista’s body Was covered in dried blood. It was constantly being relayered with fresh blood, though. Her lower back was practically sopping. It had unfortunately been placed between some old wounds.
"Hey Krista," How did she get so many cuts. "What's your favorite color?" Zhavia was trying to distract her from her pain a bit, and to make she she was responsive. Almost done with this one.
Alexander used a washcloth and kept pressure on Krista's lower back. "все будет хорошо … это должно быть …"
Zoe ran to where the group was. "What the heck happened? And you speak russian?!" She exclaimed in shock.
"i know only a few phrases… sorry, i'm a little panicked…" his eyes darted between Zoe and the facility
"Done!" She threw the towel with alcohol at Alexander. "Wiped down what I just did and Il work on this." Zhavia you sound super bossy right now. She shook her head That doesn't matter right now. She grabbed a clean needle. There wasn't enough time to give her anything to ease the pain, she was losing to much blood. "This is going to hurt." Zhavia stared to panicked a little. "This wound is too deep, I don't think seeing it together will work. "I'm might have to Cauterize it." But how? "The building! That's it."
Krista was not aware of anything that was happening. She her breathing had steadied, though.
Luna was watching everything go down. This was fun, not.
( What does this mean Shade?)
"Some one has to go back and get me a piece of metal that's hot. Hot enough to burn skin together." She hoped someone would listen and do it because she can't take her hand off this cut. "Krista it's going to be fine."
(How do you become the watermelon?)
( @"Gradually Watermelon" u watch Malinda too?)
Alexander replaced his cloth with another but had alcohol on it. "Zhavia, what do you mean the building?"
(Yes I do. She is amazing.)
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