(Lol thanks. I'll change it back, eventually.)
(Lol thanks. I'll change it back, eventually.)
A screech rang throughout the ear com and Zhavia pulled it out. "Ow," she put it back in slowly "Did someone get their ear com ripped out?" *Where is everyone?" She has been running down stairs hoping someone would be in the basement. "Hello?" She said a bit quietly. "Anyone here?"
Alexander sprinted down the hall and runs into a group of guards "this is gonna be fun." he pulled out his swords and turned on the electro-shock gauntlets and struck his swords against each other creating a bright flash as he slashed killing the man infront.
“A …little …help!” Sparrow grunted
Krista growled. She forgot there were people in there that were theirs. “Goddamnit.” Krista followed Alexander down the hall, taking care of strays that escaped his swords. She occasionally dropped to loot the bodies, hoping to god they’d come across a higher up.
Sparrow clicked a button on her bow and stabbed one of them hearing the sizzle of electricity
Cyrus slowly unlocked the bathroom door and peered outside. There were people out there. Just a few. These were living quarters for some of the assassins. He held his crossbow and angled it at one man standing there. He released the bolt and fired it straight at his throat.
“Who’s there?” another man shouted.
Cyrus loaded up another bolt and fired again, right through the back of the second man’s head. One more remained, but he’d found Cyrus. Cyrus dropped his crossbow and drew his sword. He did not expect what happened next. The man was much too fast for him and already had a dagger in hand. He lunged at Cyrus, and before he could dodge, the dagger tore across his arm. Cyrus staggered and shouted in pain. He put some space between him and his enemy before using his sword to finish him off.
“I-I’m hit…” Cyrus murmured, “I think I’m okay, but I’m pretty sure there’s another squad of assassins closing in behind me.”
The basement had an eerie feel to it, the air was moist and water was all over the ground. She turned right, and saw a huge hall way with lots of doors all the way down. "T.S. 45?" She looked closer and opened the door. The smell was so intense she flipped her head to the side and immediately started throwing up. Below her se heard a crackling sound. "No, no" she picked up the ear com the fell into the water. Once again she put on the mask Alexander made for her hoping that it would help her with the smell. Her eyes darted around as she saw a person chained down, hair messy. "Female." She kicked the body and it didn't move. "Dead huh?" She left the room to look in the others. Maybe our people are down here somewhere?
“Cy need any help? I have a med-kit.” She said killing the last man and running towards a beeping dot in her screen
Cyrus heard the cover that lead down to the sewer be moved. “They’ve closed me in. I hadn’t even hit the ambush yet. If I survive this, I may need that med kit.”
Krista hurriedly attaches her garrotte wire to Aetherius. “Where are you Zoe?”
Sparrow pushed herself to run faster. Hearing Cyrus breathe heavily, she whistled and Ryker came to her. She gave him simple instructions, and had him go up to Cyrus to help. 12 minutes later she found them
Alexander took out his ear piece as it had begun to burn his ear what the fuck is going?
Cyrus, at this point, had gone through his third group of assassins- five who came up through the sewers as he had. He had more wounds than before, and he was slumped back against one of the beds.
“Sparrow…” he muttered, “Thanks for coming for me. I’m sorry you had to do this.”
James gave no response as he charged at her with knives in his hand and started throwing knives at her, Zoe quickly flipped a table before swiftly she ran through the hallways, quickly finishing anyone who came her way as she jumped the stairs down, she didn't bother calling for help, this was her fight, the others might hurt him. A heavy thud landed on her as James pinned her to the ground.
Alexander panted "we need… to find Zoe…"
Luna nodded as she hopped into the building, "On it."
Cyrus, at this point, had gone through his third group of assassins- five who came up through the sewers as he had. He had more wounds than before, and he was slumped back against one of the beds.
“Sparrow…” he muttered, “Thanks for coming for me. I’m sorry you had to do this.”
“Cy your my best friend, I’d do this for you again in a heartbeat.” Ah said and pulled out the med-kit. Using the small device, she injected a special medicine that helps keep it rom being infected
“Thanks,” he replied. He had a few rolls of gauze in his bag and had started wrapping up the dagger wound on his arm. “Let’s get this done with so we can help anyone else, yeah?”
Raymond was the next one she found. A file about him hung on the wall. "How many of you are there?" She got closer and took a good looked. He looks a bit better than the other. His eyes snapped open and he lunged at her, she stumbled back slipping on water. "So, your still alive," Her hand went to her ear and realized her ear com was broken. Peeking out of the door she looked around "Hello!" She yelled as it echoed. She hoped someone would hear her.
“Yep!” She stuck out her arm and Ryker flew to it. She tapped her goggles, “well there’s a hidden room in here which is odd.” She said walking towards the shower
Krista paused. “Has anyone heard from Zhavia?”
Alexander heard Zhavia's voice and yelled back "What's wrong?!?"
“Where?” Cyrus asked, getting up and following her. He placed a little weight on one of his legs, which had been badly bruised in the fight. “Oof…” he muttered.
Zoe winced. "Come on, please……..It's me, Zoe." She tried as he pressed harder, "Do you remember? I love you James, please." She tried again. "Its going to be ok." For a moment, she saw a change almost in his eyes and used it to flip him over before throwing him against the wall. "I'm sorry." She apologized again, her voice broke, almost ready to cry. She bent down on his unconscious form and placed her pin in his hand. She stood up and stayed there for a bit before she turned to walk away.
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