forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

people_alt 45 followers


“Hey, listen to me.”, she told him gently, nudging his chin up so that he was looking straight at her. “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry.”


(me too though xD)
(uhhh…theres always that dude at the hospital that shot Macha. there's also her visions and stuff that we could do something with?)


(I’m just going to have this be another day)

Tyler walked hand in hand with Macha, enjoying the warm weather and the buzz of the town. They were chatting happily when Tyler suddenly stopped walking, staring at someone, wide eyed.


Macha almost tripped when Tyler suddenly stopped, taking a moment to steady herself and turn around with a furrowed brow. "Tyler?"
(I gtg in like a minute sorry)


(It’s okay and thanks again :)

Tyler took a couple more steps forward, still looking ahead. “Macha..go into that store right there. I’ll come and get you soon. I just need to..take care of something..” He said slowly, tracking a man, whose face was partially hidden by a hood, with his eyes.


(np :)

"Tyler?" Macha stepped in front of him, cutting him off. "What is it? I'm not going in until you tell me." The feathers on her wings, which had materialized a few hours ago, were ruffled in concern.


“Tyler!” Macha grabbed at his arm but the door was already swinging shut, cursing under her breath, she moved to open it again.


Tyler looked at her sternly before walking back onto the sidewalk and falling in step with the man, disappearing into the crowd.


Tyler! She'd only caught a brief glimpse of the man's face, but that was all she'd needed to recognize him. Just the thought of him sent shivers down her spine, but she set her jaw, pulled the door back open, and began to follow.