Tyler hummed softly to himself as they cooked, the kitchen warming up and filling with delicious smells.
Tyler hummed softly to himself as they cooked, the kitchen warming up and filling with delicious smells.
Macha helped him, mouth already watering. "Do you have maple syrup? Maybe… bananas and Nutella? to go on top?"
"Of course. Nutella's up there." He pointed up to a cabinet while grabbing some other stuff.
"Thanks. I've never actually had it before, it's supposed to be delicious though."
"It is delicious." He grinned, finishing the pancakes and setting them on the table.
"I guess I'll have to see." Macha finished up chopping up two bananas and placed them on the table next to the pancakes. "Those look good. I haven't had pancakes in forever." Sitting down, she motioned for Tyler to do so as well.
"Mm..me neither." He said, sitting down and taking some food.
Macha ate, too busy eating to speak for a little. "These are good."
"Amazing.." He mumbled as he ate, sighing and leaning back in his chair as he finished eating.
(What do you want to do next?)
(Didn’t you want to do that thing with Macha? I mean it’s pretty dull rn so..)
(is a skip to afternoon cool w you?)
(yeah tis good)
Macha was squished next to Tyler in an arm chair, a book of poetry open in her lap. Tyler's head rested on her shoulder, his nose tucked in the crook of her neck. She was halfway through The Tyger when tingles raced down her spine and sinister whispering began creeping through her mind. Freezing instantly, she pushed herself up.
“Macha? What’s wrong?” He said, sitting up and looking at her worriedly.
Macha just shook her head and made for the back door as quickly as possible, knees already weak. By the time she managed to open it and stumble outside, bile rising in her throat, her whole arms were vibrating. “Stay back!”, she called out weakly to Tyler before her knees gave out in the middle of the back yard. Steam began to rise from the cracks next to her eyes.
Tyler started to panic, running out behind Macha and kneeling down next to her. “What’s going on? What do I do? How can I help?”
Macha's skin began to smoke, burning the grass where she was sitting. "Get away– just get away–", she croaked, trying to scramble back from him. Her eyes began to flicker from silver to black, then to gold, then back to black. "Pl-please–" A burning, excruciating pain suddenly blazed through her chest, she could feel herself slipping away. The whispers in her head were getting louder, snippets of arcane languages, building up until she couldn't hear anything else. She collapsed fully, jerking and spasming every few seconds before going still, eyes shut.
A moment later, they flew open.
Completely black.
(how are you?)
(I’m good hbu?)
“M-macha?!” Tyler tried getting closer to her, the demon inside him growling, afraid.
(i'm good)
But Macha was far away. She couldn't see him, couldn't feel his emotions, couldn't hear his panicked voice. She couldn't feel herself rising off the ground, couldn't feel the golden runes blazing to life on he forearms, couldn't feel the cracks next to her eyes begin to glow gold. All she could see was flashes of colour, snippets of scenes blinking in and out of her mind's eyes, all she could here was a rasping, ancient voice speaking out a prophecy. She couldn't hear that the voice was her own.
Blood. Splatters of red filled her vision. Screams. A flash of bronze, the sickening squelch of impaled flesh. Tears. A woman, reaching out with a tear streaked face.
The lake turning a terrifying shade of crimson.
Glowing eyes in the night.
Molten rock rolling off her shoulders and pooling onto the ground.
All these, she saw. The future.
And then, a scene that she'd seen many times before, but never remembered.
Blue hair. Feet pounding against the asphalt. Fire, hanging in the air, expanding, sucking her in.
The last thing she saw before she collapsed back to the ground was a flash of blinding white light.
“Macha!” Tyler cried out, running over to her and gathered her in his arms. “Ohgodohgod Macha..” He whispered. “Please wake up…”
(aw thank you!)
Slowly, Macha came to. Her vision was filled with black spots, but through them all she could see the hazy outline of Tyler's face. "T-Tyler?" All of a sudden, it came back to her. "Ohgodohgodohgod. Tyler– I'm so sorry–" Her arms burned where the runes had been mere seconds ago, and she bit mack a cry of pain as the cracks next to her eyes slowly spread further down her face. Blinking back tears, she swallowed. "I am so sorry–"
“Don’t be sorry, don’t be sorry..” He hugged her tight, pulling back to wipe the tears from her face. “I..I’m just glad you’re okay..tell me you’re okay..”
"I– I'm fine– I could've killed you– are you okay??" Macha was having trouble breathing, she could feel her throat closing up and her hands begin to shake. Flashes of the future flew through her head, but she could barely remember any of it.
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