@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
Mike sighed and ran his hand through his hair irritably. "Okay, fine. I'll thank him proper next time I see him. Fair enough?"
Mike sighed and ran his hand through his hair irritably. "Okay, fine. I'll thank him proper next time I see him. Fair enough?"
Tanrial smiled, "Yup, that's fair. See, you're getting better already." She nudged him with her elbow.
"Hmph. Thanks." Mike stood up. "See you in the morning." Turning, he went and helped a half-asleep Bernon out of his seat and toward the stairs, waving at Tanrial before he climbed out of sight.
(I have to go to bed myself now, seeya)
Tanrial waved back before deciding to go to bed herself. After thanking Rick one last time as well as saying goodnight to Polla and Ozrig, she headed up to her room.
The next morning was announced by the yowling of the village cats out on the beach as the fishermen brought in the dawn's catch. It was another warm, sunny day, and shorebirds wheeled outside the tavern window in a pure blue sky streaked with creamy clouds. The sounds of people talking and having breakfast floated up from the ground floor, muted by the rhythmic, pervasive thrum of the lake's small waves breaking against the tavern's foundations.
Tanrial groaned and reluctantly got out of bed. Changing into some lighter clothes, she slipped on her shows to see if anyone else was wake downstairs, and also to grab a drink of some kind. She yawned and made her way down the stairs.
Mike was standing near the counter, fully dressed and looking ready to go out, deep in conversation with Rick. He saw Tanrial and waved.
"Morning. Hey, in a minute here Rick and I are gonna take a search team to that town to see what we can find. Bernon said he wanted to stay here, he's still tired. Wanna come with us, or would you rather take it easy for a while? Either way's fine with us."
Tanrial gave Mike a smile and shrugged, putting her hands in her pockets as she walked over, "Sure, why not. Might wake me up a bit more." She put her hand over her mouth as she yawned.
"All right." Mike smiled back and nodded at the villagers who were waiting for them nearby. "Let's head out, then."
Tanrial nodded before heading out to meet with the villagers that were waiting, "Well, whoever knows the way will have to lead."
(Sorry gtg to bed, seeya later^^)
(Okay, seeya later!)
One of the village men took the lead and they trekked away from the lake toward the forest, this time heading west rather than straight north, which was where Ryker's base lay. A cracked and overgrown road started up not too deep into the trees, and they followed that as it wound along the side of the hill.
"I bet some of the people you wrote will show up today," Rick remarked. "Been nice weather lately, and the bandit population was pretty quiet when I came through. Good time for traveling."
(Hey, so, my computer's glitching super bad so I can't stay long, but I thought I'd warn you that I'm on another weekend trip starting tomorrow and I won't be on much in that time. Sorry, see you when I see you!)
Tanrial nodded, "Hopefully they will, we need to start discussing plans with everyone and the sooner they get here the better. Who do you think will turn up first?"
(Alrighty, don't worry about it :) Have a nice trip!)
"Hmm. Who all did you write to again?"
Mike glanced back from the front. "Tanrial's people and the village near her home–which is a couple day's march from here–plus the People's Army, the Pikes, and the River Runners, but you said those guys probably wouldn't come."
"Yep." Rick frowned, thinking about it. "The People have off-roaders so they'll be fast….but they were in Nevada last I heard. The Pikes travel light, but they're down in the Everglades and they'll have to negotiate with the other clans before they leave. So unless something unexpected happens, I'd say it'll be your folks that show up today, Tanrial."
Tanrial nodded slowly and put her hands in her pockets, "Probably… is it bad that I'm kinda hoping they don't show? I mean we need all the hope they we can get and all that but… You know what, just forget I said anything about it."
Sadly, Rick did not forget immediately, but he was sympathetic. "Hometown blues, huh? I can relate to that. You don't have to associate with 'em too much, if you don't want to, right? I'm personally going to be trying to avoid the Pikes, if I can. Some of them know me just enough to dislike me, and I'd rather not get in a scuffle with them."
Tanrial sighed, "Sadly avoiding them might be a slight problem. Knowing them and who I'm guess will show they'll try and find me just to get on my nerves, some of them anyway. One in particular but I'm hoping he doesn't come," She shook her head, "As soon as this is over the sooner they can go back to their home and leave me alone."
"You know," Mike said quietly. "If at any point you need some help with them or an excuse to get some time alone, you can let me or Bernon know and we'll bail you out. You shouldn't have to deal with any of them if they make you that uncomfortable, okay?"
Tanrial nodded and gave Mike a grateful smile, "Thank-you, I might have to take you up on that at some point."
Just then the villager up at the front of the group stopped and pointed. "There's the town."
Down below them was a cluster of roofs and telephone poles half-buried in the forest. Many of the buildings were partially collapsed, and a colony of crows had settled down in the town's radio tower. They flocked over the central square, their harsh cries ringing loudly through the ghostly silence. A river ran only a few feet from the houses on one side, but besides that and the crows, nothing moved.
"Stay alert," the villager muttered. "There's no telling what might be hiding down there in one of those houses."
"Do you have any idea where the fuel we need is? Or is this a 'just-go-in-and-search-anything' kinda mission?" Tanrial raised an eyebrow.
"Well, we can narrow it down a bit," the man said. "If the bulldozer came from this town, which I'm pretty sure it did, there'll be a store or repair shop that sold the fuel for it. We can find one of those and search that first. If there's nothing there, we'll try the garages next. Sound good?"
"Yeah, that sounds good." Tanrial said before making her way carefully down to the village, careful to avoid any loose piles of dirt and rock on the way down.
They all cautiously entered the town and walked down one of the side streets. Every house was overgrown with greenery, and some even had trees poking through the windows. There were beat-up cars along the road, none of them in any condition to drive. Rick took the lead, while Mike brought up the rear, looking around warily.
For the most part, the town was near silent except for the crows. The only other sounds were the groups feet when someone would occasionally step on a twig or a dried leaf. As they were about to enter the main street, a loud bang echoed throughout the town, causing the group to stop.
"What was that?"
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