"Sounds like fun…" Tanrial said before leading them through the mass of trees and bushes behind them.
"Sounds like fun…" Tanrial said before leading them through the mass of trees and bushes behind them.
Mike found a small path through the woods and started following it. "My grandad taught it to me. It's saved my life more times than I can count."
Bernon glanced at him curiously. "You talk about your grandad a lot. What was he like?"
Mike was silent for a minute. "He was a car mechanic, a good one. He was homeless for most of his life before he set up the repair shop. He and my grandma helped my mom take care of the family, back when I was really little. I had a sister too, named Hailey."
Bernon glanced at Tanrial and spoke to her mentally. Hailey….wasn't that the name he said when he was sleeptalking that one time? Should we ask about her? It seemed like they might've not gotten along.
Tanrial shrugged and rubbed at her neck. Well… we can ask but if he doesn't say anything then best not ask again.
"What was Hailey like?" She asked, flicking her gaze from Bernon to Mike.
Mike didn't look at them, his face unreadable. "Hailey was….a troublemaker. She was never satisfied with her life, and always took things harder than I did. I should have–"
He stopped as if he'd bitten his own tongue and quickened his pace, tension radiating from him like a static charge. Bernon winced and made a cutting motion across his neck. Okay, I guess we shouldn't have asked after all. My bad.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Mike spoke again. "But back to my grandad, he was a great fighter. One of the best. He taught me how to fight when I was five or six, because we were in a rough neighborhood and he didn't trust the neighbors. I learned almost everything I know about combat from him."
"That's good… about the combat thing I mean," Tanrial said, crossing her arms and sighing, "Sometimes I wish things would go back to how they were years ago. Everything seemed so simple."
"Yeah," Bernon said. "Growing up on a farm, I'd give anything to go back to that life."
Mike made a neutral noise. "If I had to pick a time to return to…there was this big old barn in the middle of nowhere that my family lived in for a while. We were trying to get to Canada where it was safer, but we were trapped in the middle of the country for several years. I was ten, I liked it there." He glanced at Tanrial. "Where specifically would you go, if you could rewind?"
(brb, having supper)
"Where? I'm not sure… I visited a town on the coast one summer. That was fun. I met some really nice people there so I guess that." Tanrial replied.
"Cool." Bernon paused to look over the terrain. "Maybe after this is all over, some of us can go visit the coast again. It's been a long time since I saw the ocean."
"Yeah, that would be nice. It's been ages since I saw the sea, too." Tanrial kicked at a loose rock on he path.
Mike slowed to a halt and pushed a branch out of his way so he could see into the valley. "Down there is where we found Snatch. On the other side of that ridge up ahead is Ryker's base. Once we get closer, we'll have to be more careful. In fact, we should probably be more careful now. There's no telling if they're still looking for us out here or not."
(gotta go to bed, seeya later ^^)
(Sorry, I had friends come over and we went for a walk, seeya ^^)
Tanrial nodded, "That's true. Ryker's scouts could be anywhere out here." She took a step back as to not be seen by any prying eyes.
Mike gave the area one last look, then turned and started working his way sideways down the slope. "Let's spread out just a bit and stay quiet from now on. Keep an eye out for any signs that Ryker's guards have been here–or are still out here–and let each other know if you notice anything."
(I probs won't be on much since I have beep classes today, sorry)
Tanrial nodded, "Alright, don't go too far off, we don't want to lose anybody and them be to far away for us to help if there is any danger."
(that's okay, my youth group actually meets in like an hour and half so I'll have to leave early as well)
Bernon nodded. "Got it."
They walked stealthily into the valley, stopping every few minutes to check their surroundings. There were no signs so far of any human activity in the area, but they stayed on their guard just in case. At one point they were startled by a large grey canine that ran out of the bushes–maybe a wolf?–but other than that the forest was quiet.
After an hour or two of walking, they reached the far ridge and began climbing up. Now they began to see tracks and old campfires, as if a group of soldiers had camped in this area not too long ago. Nobody was around now, and the tracks were faint. Mike waved for them to press forward.
(gotta go, seeya!)
As they walked, the tracks became clearer. Not by much but they looked fairly recent. Tanrial frowned but they kept moving forward, she didn’t make any motion for them to stop as the tracks didn’t indicate soldiers had passed through within the hour.
(Bye bye!)
They reached the top of the ridge and stopped short. "The base is just ahead. Let's not get too close since we know the area's patrolled." He pointed to their left. "Let's skirt the area one just to see if anyone's camped out here on the surface, then head back on the double. If we got caught or spotted at this stage, it could ruin our element of surprise."
Tanrial nodded, “The tracks got deeper as we followed them, they could still be people round here so let’s try and be more careful.”
Bernon nodded. "And if we are seen?"
"Just run," Mike replied. "Don't bother fighting them unless absolutely necessary. Oh, and you guys at least should only speak telepathically from now on."
“Alright, let’s get going then.” Tanrial said, starting to walk in the direction Mike had pointed for them to go.
They walked in a giant curve, staying just inside Ryker's property. While there was plenty of evidence that a search had been underway, all the tracks were a few days old and no one was around. At one point they spotted a patrol and had to quickly take cover, but otherwise the area was empty.
Eventually, as the sun was reaching the middle of the sky, they closed the circle and reached the spot they'd started at. Mike paused to rest and scan the trees.
"Welp, looks like they've gone back underground for now. That's good."
(brb, gotta go have supper)
(and now I'm off to be, seeya later)
(Sorry I couldn’t be on much, seeya)
“Luckily we weren’t seen. We should head back befre we are, though.” Tanrial said, taking a wary glance at their surrounds and towards Ryker property.
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