Tanrial smiled at her, “She’ll be fine, she’s just taking a nap and when she wakes up, of course you can talk to her some more.”
(Alright, seeya)
Tanrial smiled at her, “She’ll be fine, she’s just taking a nap and when she wakes up, of course you can talk to her some more.”
(Alright, seeya)
Bernon helped Mike make sure that Fear was securely on the sled, frowning. "I wonder what's up with her arm. It looks….like it never grew right."
"It was probably the lake. I mentioned the other day that the water has some weird chemicals in it. If she was born here and lived here her whole life, I'm actually surprised she doesn't look more mutated." He straightened. "Now, Polla told me about an old road through the woods here that leads to the other lake. I found a place that looks like it might be a good spot for her to live, and there's no other forest or water beasts in the area so she shouldn't have to compete for prey or space. If we're quick, I'll bet we can make it there before midnight."
(hey by the way, I was really liking my mental image of Snatch with her new clothes, so to commemorate her departure (T.T) I did a few concept drawings of her and I thought you might like to see them:
They were so fun to draw, I spent more time on them than I should have lol ^^; )
(Eee! She's so cute! Nice work I love it! ^^)
"We should get going then, if she wakes up before we get there I doubt we'll be wanting to deal with an angry water beast…" Tanrial said, helping to start pushing the sled.
(Thanks!! I got really attached to her tbh XDD)
"Yeah," Mike said as he and Bernon began pulling. "Also, we should probably talk to Snatch here about our plan for her once we get there."
"Plan?" Snatch glanced up. "What plan?"
Tanrial sighed, “Well… you see we can’t look after you forever, Snatch. You need someone like you who can act as your parent or guardian and we aren’t cut out for that. So, we were thinking that,” She looked at Fear, “Maybe Fear or whatever her name is could look after you.”
Snatch's eyes widened. "Wait….she would? But what about you guys?"
Bernon's voice was gentle. "We'd miss you a lot, but….you'll be safer and happier here, with her. Besides, you probably wouldn't like it much where we're going. And we'll come and visit, of course," he added. "At least, I will."
“I’ll come visit too, don’t worry,” Tanrial gave her a smile, “And we hope she’ll look after you. From what we’ve already seen she was going to before we…. knocked her out.”
Snatch looked down and was silent for a while.
Eventually, Mike spoke up. "Snatch, we're sorry we didn't tell you earlier. We thought it was the best
decision, and it'll be tough for a while, but–"
"No, I understand." Snatch suddenly, looking up. Her voice was tentative. "I like Fear. She's like Mommy. I'll miss you guys alot. But she's sad and lonely. I can help her feel better."
(sorry I'm being so slow by the way T.T)
(Don’t worry about it, I’ve actually gotten work done this lesson)
Tanrial gave Snatch a warm smile, “That’s good to hear. We’ll come visit and you’ll have Rayner from the village as well, it’s not that long of a walk away.”
(hah lol)
"Yeah. I like her, she's cool."
Bernon nodded, out of breath from hauling the sled. "Hey, I don't suppose we could stop and take a breather right quick?"
"We're almost there," Mike replied. "And I want to make sure we get these two settled and clear out before Fear wakes up. Hang in there."
“The quicker we get there, the quicker the break will come.” Tanrial said, looking at Bernin for a moment.
"Okay, hang on." Bernon paused, morphing into a bear. Then he took the rope in his jaws and started pulling again, almost leaving the others behind. Okay, this is much better.
Tanrial laughed, “You can do all the work then if you’re going to go at that pace.” She said, grinning.
He gave a gruff bear-laugh in reply. Fine, I'll show you guys how it's done.
Snatch held on to the sled as it bumped over the ground, giggling. "Hurry up, slow-pokes! We're gonna beat you there!"
“It’s not a race Snatch!” Tanrial called, laughing as she jogged to try and keep up with them.
It better not be, Bernon agreed. This sled isn't really meant to go hot-roddin' over hill and dale.
Mike ducked around a tree and slowed. "Well, I wasn't lying. Here's the other lake."
Up ahead, the trees fell away and an expanse of moonlit water stretched out before them. It was clearly even bigger than the lake they just left, and seemed a bit more alive somehow. Snatch took a deep breath of the damp, cool wind blowing off the water.
"It smells nice," she said. "Like clean things."
(brb, having supper)
“That’s good to hear. The other lake had chemicals in it so that’s oeobably why this one smells better.” Tanrial explained.
Mike nodded. "Snatch, there's a good place for a den down that way near the fallen log. When Fear wakes up, try to explain to her what happened and tell her to stay near this lake so she doedn't try to take you back to her old home. Okay?"
Bernon returned to human form and crouched down in front of Snatch. "I guess this is goodbye for a while. Hug?"
Snatch hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, kiddo."
After a second, she let go and turned to Tanrial. "Do you still have the drawing I gave you?"
Tanrial nodded and crouch down to Snatch’s level, “I do. Why do you ask?”
"I just wanted to make sure. I still have the others." She patted her pocket gently. "Keep it safe, okay? You can have it to remember me by."
Tanrial smiled, “Of course I’ll keep it safe, I’ll come by and visit as much as I can.” She said, hugging Snatch.
Snatch nodded wordlessly, wiping her nose on her sleeve once the hug ended.
Mike had been busy getting Fear off the sled and laying her in a safe spot under the trees. Now he came over and stood with them, dusting off his hands. "Okay, all ready. Good luck, Snatch. Just go back to the tavern if things don't work out, all right? They'll take care of you, I'm sure."
Snatch hugged him fiercely. He blinked in surprise, then softened a bit and ruffled her hair. "Hey' you're a tough kid. You'll do fine."
"I know," she said quietly.
At that moment, there was a low groan from where Fear was laying. Bernon tensed. "Okay, time's up. Let's get out of sight and watch for a minute to make sure nothing goes wrong right away."
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