forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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“You're sure?” He glanced at the guard before focusing on Magnus. “Thank you.” He breathed before heading inside the infirmary. He followed Magnus’ instructions and headed down the hallway until he found the last door.


Magnus nodded, watching the male leave and walking over to the guard to deal with him.

Like Magnus had said, Avalin was indeed the last room in the hallway, as well as a alarming amount of doctors. She was barely visible through the door, almost completely blocked from view by the various asgardian doctors around her.


Loki decided to stay outside the room, seeing the sheer amount of doctors around what he assumed was his wife scared him. He wasn’t quite sure how many doctors were supposed to be there normally but he was sure it wasn’t supposed to be this many. “I’m right here my love.” He whispered, watching through the window as doctors hurried about, occasionally catching glimpse some of Avalin


Avalin barley caught a glimpse of her husband around the doctors, but an flash of relief washed over her face for a split second. She tried her best to whisper "I love you," to him, trying to look over at him as much as she possibly could. It made time pass quicker, and before she knew it, she had given birth, though from the concern on the doctor's faces something was still wrong. Her eyes widened in worry and fear as they severed the umbilical cord and her child was rushed out, talking among themselves in panic as a few left with the baby.


He watched carefully, trying to catch a glimpse of the child, a sense of relief and joy rushed over him though it slowly ebbed away as the doctor’s expression didn’t seem as joyful. He debated whether to go in and comfort his wife or follow the doctors. In the end, he decided to quickly conjure a full scrub and mask, quickly apologizing for breaking the ‘no magic’ rule but reasoned with himself that it was just for a short while. He quickly rushed into the room to his wife’s side and crouched beside her head. He gently whipped away swear and hair that was on her face and kissed her brow. “Are you alright?” He asked softly, gently taking her hand in his Andy kissing her knuckles.


Avalin had closed her eyes as the baby was taken away, but they slowly fluttered open again as she heard someone come in. A happy but tired smile flashed over her face when she saw who it was and she nodded, "I'll be alright." She attempted for a second to sit up more but quickly decided not to as she frowned in pain. "I'm glad you're here."


He smiled faintly “I only wish I could have been here sooner my love.” He broke away momentarily to find a warm towel before sitting beside her and gently wiping her brow. “Is there anything you need? Food? Water?” He asked, not really know what he was supposed to do in these situations. “Did they tell you how the baby is?” He asked, remembering Magnus had said there had been some complications. “At least that everything is alright?”


“A glass of water would be nice,” She said gently, pausing a minute to reply to the next part of the question, “Something was wrong with the baby, but they didn’t tell me more.” Avalin sighed and closed her eyes, murmuring softly, “I just hope our child is ok. Gods I hope so. I don’t want all of this to be for nothing”


He conjured a glass of water and handed it off to her, still gently wiping her brow, slowly detangling her hair with his free hand. “He’ll be fine, love. This will never be for nothing. Don’t worry.” He kissed her gently and pressed their heads together. “Rest my dear, you’ve been through enough today.” He murmured, gently massaging her scalp to release any tension.


She took the water slowly, drinking the entire glass before setting the glass next to her and relaxing again. "Will you stay here? Or do you have to go?" Avalin asked gently, opening her eyes and looking at him hopefully. She knew he probably had to go, but if he did, she wasn't going to waste any time sleeping.


“Thor gave me 24 hours with you and the child. Then I have to go back to the cell. I don’t think we can push that any farther. Especially considering I’ve already broken the promise of not using magic.” He replied softly, gently maneuvering himself beside her, cradling her close to his form. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here earlier.” He murmured softly, pressing his lips against her temple


She nodded, leaning against him and sighing, "Some time is better than none I suppose." Avain pressed a light kiss to his cheek and continued, "Don't feel bad, I'm just glad you're here now." It felt nice to be back in his arms, and she settled in against him as much as she could without being in terrible pain, mumuring softly, "I'll only sleep for a little while, I promise. I just need to rest my eyes."


He cuddled her close and drew the thin sheets around her. “Yes of course my love. Sleep for as long as you’d like. You deserve all the red in the world.” He pressed a tender kiss to head and started to hum a song. He gently massages her shoulders and upper back, wanting to relieve some of her pain as much as he could


Avalin closed her eyes and relaxed as much as she could, falling asleep much quicker than she wanted to. She clearly was exhausted, and with his humming, she also seemed relatively comfortable. Gently she wrapped her arms as best she could around him.

It was only several minutes later though that a doctor came into the room, glancing at the sleeping Avalin and almost instantly recognising Loki. "My lord," He said, bowing in a half-bow, "May I speak to you? In the hallway?"


He glanced up when he saw the doctor and nodded back when he bowed. “Of course, is everything alright?” He asked, his concern coming back from before. He gently untangled himself from Avalin, making sure not to wake her as he adjusted the pillows around her. He followed the doctor out of the room to the hallway and looked around, wondering where all the doctors from before had gone to


The doctor glanced down the hall, bowing his head and saying softly, "The baby didn't make it." He seemed sad, and almost frustrated at himself as he continued speaking and relaying the bad news, "His heart wasn't strong enough to pump blood, and it was an issue we didn't identify when Avalin came in for checkups. I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I know how much this child meant to you."


(Give me a sec while I cry…)
Loki blinked, once, maybe twice, “the baby, he’s…” he felt himself lean but was abrutly met by a wall. He shook his head in denial “no. This is some kind of trick.” He glared around, looking for any sign of his brother or anyone who’d dare do this to him. “This isn’t funny! Stop this now!” He called to the silence around him. “No, no the baby’s fine. He’s just sleeping right?” He looked up at the doctor, hoping for a nod or confirmation. None. He covered his mouth and looked away, hot angry tears falling to the ground. He had sworn the day his mother died he’d never cry again. Guess he couldn’t even keep that promise. “What do I tell her?” He asked, voice cracking with sobs that just wouldn’t let him speak. “I can’t tell her that the baby…”


(Same ;-;)
"I'm sorry," The doctor said, blinking back tears of his own as he shook his head, "This isn't a trick, I'm sorry." He watched as Loki cried, reaching out hesitantly and resting a hesitant hand on his shoulder, failing to hold in a few of his own tears, "She deserves to know the truth, but if its easier…I can arrange for one of the nurses to tell her when she wakes up."


He took a shakeu breath in and shook his head “there’s a former guard out there. Magnus. Tell him to come in here. The rest of the staff are to leave for the day. Just direct me to where you..have him.” He shakily stood up and gently shrugged off the hand resting on his shoulder. He didn’t want condolence now. Not after five years of not having his wife, not after almost another year in a holding cell, and certainly not after losing his first born son. “I’ll tell her.” He managed out as he slowly made his way back to Avalin’s room, silently curling up next to her and hugging her close, trying his best to stifle his crying, still wanting her to sleep as much as possible.


The doctor nodded, listening to what Loki requested and shuffling off when the he was told that he would tell Avalin.

Avalin was only asleep for a few minutes after Loki laid back down, her eyes fluttering open when she heard his crying. "What's wrong my love?" She asked in a soft whisper, forgoing staying still as she turned in his arms and did her best to wipe away his tears. "What's wrong?"


He shook his head and whipped away tears, gently holding her hand and pressing his lips to it. He swallowed hard and shook his head again, as if that would shake the past few moments away. “I’ll tell you later, dear. Sleep for now.” He urges gently nudging her head and shutting his eyes for a moment, trying to stop the tears from flowing, failing and then taking in a breath. “Sleep my love.” He repeated softly, kissing her head


She frowned, rubbing away stray tears and pressing a faint kiss to his forehead, "I'm here for you, whenever you want to tell me what's wrong, I'm here, alright? Whatever it is, I won't force you to tell me sooner than you want to." Avalin nestled into his arms, hugging him tightly and settling down, but not falling asleep again. She was too awake for that, and concerned for her husband.

Magnus knocked on the door only a few minutes later, waiting only seconds before coming in with a look of concern on his face. "What's wrong?" He asked in a soft tone, noting that Avalin looked close to falling asleep, "The doctor told me that you wanted to talk."


He sighed softly, grateful to have a partner such as Avalin by his side. “I will my love.” He promised. Kissing her head and tucking her safely under her chin.
He glanced up when he heard Magnus come in and conjured a chair, offering a place to sit. He glanced down at Avalin and gently stroked her hair. Loki nodded, trying to wipe away the remaining tears but just the thought of saying the words aloud made him choke up again “we’ll wait until she wakes up.” He whispered, voice hoarse from holding in the sobs


Magnus sat down gently, concern etched into his face as he nodded. He leaned back in the chair, studying Loki's face and trying to guess what could be wrong.

"I'm awake my love," She murmured, only a hint of tired in her voice as she nuzled against him, "I'll sleep in a little while." Slowly, she glanced up at him, blinking away the sleep that was just about to sweep over her before magnus had entered the room.


He sighed softly, dreading the next few moments. He looked around him, both at Magnus and at Avalin, hating himself for what he was about to say. “The doctor told me the baby had some heart complications after birth…” he choked back a sob and shook his head slightly, his heart breaking once again for baby boy he didn’t even have the chance to hold. “He told me the child didn’t…make it.” He shut his eyes, for the millionth time wanting his words not to be true. “He’s in Valhalla now, with mother.” He said softly, looking up with a sad smile. take care of him please.