He nodded. “Of course, that’s perfectly fine. We all have things that we’d rather forget about.” He was quick to change the subject. “Most of mine are related to Jax. I’ve seen a lot of things while being around him…so many things.” He shuddered.
"Some things are best left forgotten. Some memories are best kept buried deep in your heart to be abandoned."
He nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything else, instead, he took the spare moment to figure out where Jax was, making sure he hadn’t left with someone already, and then going back to staring at the ceiling.
"He still out there?" She couldn't help but giggle. "Gotta make sure we don't lose him but if this is how it always is then I'm gonna start charging him if I have to act like his babysitter."
“Seriously we should start charging him.” Ethan replied with a soft chuckle. “He never does it on purpose, but he just has a habit of leaving with people without telling me.”
"Well that's why I'm here. To be an extra pair of eyes so that you don't lose him quite as easily."
“Well your help is very much appreciated so, thank you.” He smiled softly over at her before his eyes quickly returned to where Jax was, just verifying that he didn’t look like he was going to get into trouble.
"How did you two meet? It doesn't seem like something that should've happened so I really don't believe that it was an accident."
“It was an accident of sorts I guess. We went to the same elementary school and somehow were already both the loner type. We just didn’t see a need for friends. One day these older kids just decided to target me for seemingly no reason. And Jax being Jax, showed up out of nowhere and saved me. I got him out of trouble after that, and it kind of became a mutually beneficial thing for us to work together.” He shrugged.
She snorted. "Of course your friendship is like a business deal. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner."
He laughed softly. “Yeah..definitely isn’t anymore but it started that way.” A small smile had appeared on his face. He did seem to really like Jax.
"Yeah, now it's like a babysitter and the overly rambunctious child he has to watch."
He nodded in agreement. “Pretty much, yeah. But I don’t mind, which is lucky for him.”
"He's like the little brother you never had."
“I wouldn’t exactly put it like that. If I was actually his brother I’d hopefully do a better job of preventing him from getting into trouble.”
"Well, sometimes you can't prevent it. Some siblings just get themselves into trouble."
He frowned a bit before nodding. “I guess that’s true, at least sometimes.”
"You can't do much when they're a troublemaker except prevent the trouble you see beginning and rescue them from the trouble they create."
“Yeah…well I guess that is pretty much what I do with Jax all the time.” He admitted.
"Wait I was right? Hell yeah!" She cheered with a laugh.
He laughed with her. “It’s been nice getting to talk to you. Without having Jax around, he tends to hog all the attention.”
"Can you blame him? The wild and crazy ones are always the main characters. We're just side acts." She shook her head with a smile.
“I mean he does fit all the main character requirements. Tragic backstory, heart of gold, kind of a quest I guess?”
"Smart sarcastic friend with glasses, at least somewhat attractive love interest that could cause a love triangle with said friend. Yep, he's got it all going for him."
“Top it off with probably none of us being straight, we got a pretty chaotic story going so far.”