“Take them, I don’t want to wear them ever again.” He said, throwing the shirt and then the skirt at Kyle, just pulling on a hoodie to cover himself.
“Take them, I don’t want to wear them ever again.” He said, throwing the shirt and then the skirt at Kyle, just pulling on a hoodie to cover himself.
Kyle giggled, grabbing all the necessary clothing, "Good thing you don't have to," He kissed Caleb's cheek, making sure he had everything he needed before he skipped towards the bedroom.
(PM or skip?)
(PM if that’s okay with you)
((here we issss. also I just remembered there was something I wanted to do that wasn’t angsty so I might do that if that’s okay. But I do have some big angst planned for later))
(Oof, we stan, now I wanna know, bring iiiiiiiiiitttt i'm so tired i'm sorry)
((dude I’m legit so fuckin tired too I’m probably spelling everything wrong XD it’s nothing much really just they go out somewhere and run into Veronica but Electrica!s also there idk dude my brain just wants it.))
(fam i have school again tomorrow and i needa focus but oops i mean sure why not lol kyle and Veronica can bully Caleb but also… tension because Electrica and Kyle's just like HAH nope)
((Yeah that tension be why I want it lmao damn bro that’s an oof I’m still on summer break))
(i don't get summer hols till december… cries i've just gone back for term 3 lol you wanna start then or me?)
((that’s a big oof and I can start just gimme a second))
Kyle would be woken up the next morning by Caleb shaking his shoulder. “Baaaaaaaaabe c’mon we gotta get up.” This was joined by a few kisses on Kyle’s cheek.
((dude my parents keep getting so confused at why I’m exhausted when I wake up at 10 am lmao. I’m just like “ummmm…I stayed up late?” When I really wake up at 6, rp, and then go back to sleep))
(oof, mine just think it's school they dunno I'm up)
Kyle whined softly, pouting like the baby he is, "I don't want to.." He mumbled, trying to pushing his head under the pillow.
“Baby it’s almost noon we gotta get up. C’mon.” He was trying to find the perfect thing to get him out of bed. “We can go get coffee at that place we met.”
Kyle seemed to perk up a little, contemplating it for a moment. It did sound nice… but staying in the warmth of the bed seemed nicer, "Maybe tomorrow, it's warm here."
“If we go get coffee we can come back and snuggle. But if we don’t then I’m just gonna go do stuff and the bed’s gonna get cold.”
He groaned, sitting up straight. He was still pouting, hair falling across his face, "Fine. We can go out and get coffee if that's what you want."
He smiled, kissing him gently on the forehead. “Thank you. Then we can come right back to the warm bed and stay here for as long as you want.”
"Good. I'ma shower real quick." He replied, slipping out of bed with a yawn. He grabbed a towel, heading to the bathroom.
“Okay.” Caleb got dressed in fresh clothes, pulling on a pair of jeans, a tight tank top and a leather jacket.
Kyle showered quickly, not bothering to wash his hair. He dried himself for a moment before he headed back out of the bathroom, grabbing an oversized shirt and some jeans.
“You ready to go?” He asked as soon as Kyle was dressed, swinging the apartment keys around on his finger
Kyle nodded, slipping on his shoes and heading to Caleb’s side, “Yep, all ready.”
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