“No, no, no baaaaaabe!” He grabbed Kyle’s hands, looking up at him. “I’m not mad about that, not at all.”
“No, no, no baaaaaabe!” He grabbed Kyle’s hands, looking up at him. “I’m not mad about that, not at all.”
Kyle blinked a couple times, "So… do you… want me to mention it… or not? Mixed signals here."
“I do wanna mention it. I just..didn’t think that you’d actually want kids too.” He mumbled the last part, looking down.
“Why would you think that I didn’t want kids?” He asked, frowning softly.
“Just assumed you wouldn’t. A lot of people don’t want kids, or don’t want to think that far into the future.”
“I want kids. I want to give someone a better childhood then I had.”
“That’s a really great reason, babe. I guess for me..it’s just something I always wanted. But I never thought I’d be with someone long enough for kids to be a possibility.”
"Well.." He drew circles on Caleb's chest, "Unless your planning on getting rid of me anytime soon… I'm staying for as long as possible."
“Well I don’t plan on getting rid of you anywhere in the near future. Are you planning on getting rid of me?”
Kyle shook his head, "No way, I'm not letting you go anytime soon."
He smiled. “Good, looks like we’re stuck with each other then.”
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled back.
He gently kissed Kyle’s forehead before resting his chin on top of Kyle’s head. “Just imagine, having little miniature versions of us running around someday.”
Kyle wrapped his arms around Caleb's middle, sighing softly, "I just hope they don't destroy the place. Especially if they take after you more."
He chuckled softly at that. “Yeah, as long as we discipline them enough, they should be great kids.”
He giggled softly, "That's true.. I think you'll be a great dad."
“I’ll only be a good dad if you’re there too. God knows I could not raise children like me all by myself. Discipline would definitely not end up happening.”
"Don't worry, I'll be right there the entire time. I'll try and be the best dad I can be, I'm not leaving you to fend for yourself with kids."
“Thank goodness. They’d take me down so fast if you left, babe.”
Kyle snorted, chuckling softly, "Well I'll be there, I'm not leaving you with some crazy miniature versions of yourself."
“And they would be crazy. Besides, if you left I’d be lonely.” He made an overdramatic pout appear on his face.
He cooed softly, reaching up to press a kiss to Caleb's cheek, "I'm not leaving so it's okay."
He smiled again, leaning into Kyle. “Good…I don’t think I could live alone anymore.” He mumbled.
Kyle hugged him tightly, sighing softly, "Me neither to be honest… I don't think I'd even trust myself to live alone, anyway."
“Good thing I won’t let you leave my side then. We don’t have to be alone anymore.”
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