forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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As they began to walk, Caleb grabbed Kyle’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He knew he’d probably never be able to fully understand what Kyle was going through. But he could tell that he was suffering. And Caleb wished he could fix it with the push of a button, but he knew that wasn’t possible.


Kyle gave his hand a squeeze back, leaning against his side a little more. He was glad that he had Caleb, knowing that if he didn't have the other.. he didn't know what he would do.


Caleb stayed relatively silent for most of their walk, caught up in his own thoughts. But he never let go of Kyle’s hand. He held it all the way until they got back to the apartment, which they got to quicker than Caleb expected.


But it was almost as soon as they got to the door, so, so close to safety, did Kyle sway on his feet. The world started spinning, his body hurt and ached all over. He couldn't even open his mouth to let Caleb know something was wrong.


His eyes felt heavy, being pulled down by the overwhelming sense of exhaustion that he forced himself to fight off. He sway again, his gut twisting so painfully it had him crying out softly.


Caleb rushed over to Kyle’s side. “It’s gonna be okay, I got you.” He said, trying not to panic. “Just stay still.” He picked Kyle up, opening the door to the apartment and rushing them over to the couch. He set Kyle down gently. “Stay awake, okay?”


Kyle opened his mouth to say something, but all the came out was a pained groan. His breathing sped up, leaving him trembling. There wasn't any ice, though, not quite yet.


He nodded a little, squeezing back hard. Even though a moment ago he seemed to be getting in too much air, now it seemed like he wasn't getting in enough. His breathing slowing down as he struggled to get air in.


Kyle tried to get air in, but it felt like his lungs hand been closed off and he couldn't get any in. He whimpered softly, hands turning cold and slowly changing from pale to purple from how freezing his body was becoming.


“Shit-“ he cursed under his breath. It normally wasn’t this bad. He didn’t know what to do. He felt like he was drowning, not able to do anything except desperately fight to stay afloat, even as waves of despair and helplessness crash over his head. It was only a matter of how long until he’d succumb to them.


And then the ice started. Like a snake curling about it's pray, like Kyle had no control over what was happening. It wrapped around his neck, spikes of ice on the outside so no one could try and pull it away even if they wanted.


“Just stay calm. You can control it, I know you can. Everything’s going to be fine.” He tried his best to keep his voice as calming as possible. And he didn’t let go of Kyle’s hand, didn’t move away from him. He wouldn’t.


He brought his freehand up, trying to get a grasp, trying to do anything that would let him breathe again. His hands started to bleed and for a moment, he looked like this was going to be the end. But then the ice disappeared, leaving an unconscious, but alive, Kyle.


“Oh thank god.” He mumbled, pulling Kyle’s unconscious form close to his chest. He gently ran his hands through his lover’s hair and couldn’t help the thoughts that flowed into his head. He couldn’t help but wonder how many more days were left. How many more days would he have to watch Kyle suffer, and have to reassure him that it was all going to be fine. He sighed heavily before standing, scooping Kyle into his arms and carrying him into the bedroom, setting him on the bed and pulling the covers up over him. “Rest well my love.” He whispered, kissing his forehead and exiting the room.


Kyle was out cold, the episode having taken too much from him. His body slowly turned back to his normal, pale colour and eventually his breathing was back to normal. His hand was still cut and sore from the ice, but he was too exhausted and in too deep a sleep for it to bother him or wake him up.


He was asleep well though the day, his body taking time to recover. It woke closer to dusk, blinking blearily around as he tried to grasp where he was and what had happened.


Kyle whimpered softly, the realisation of what happened hitting him. Caleb.. he hadn’t hurt him, had he? No… He stumbled out of bed, incredibly unsteady and nearly falling over.


He pushed open the door, becoming increasingly upset and worried that was definitely not good for him in his state, "C-Caleb?" He called out, voice raspy and sore and felt like it had been rubbed with sandpaper.


At hearing Kyle’s voice, Caleb quickly stood. “I’m in the living room, hang on I’ll be right there.” As soon as he made it to Kyle’s side, he put a hand on him to steady him. “You shouldn’t be out of bed, you still need rest.”