"Well.. what do you wanna do?" He asking, sighing softly.
"Well.. what do you wanna do?" He asking, sighing softly.
“I will do whatever you feel up to.” He replied with a content smile.
(What should happen next?)
((Really up to you man. I’m thinking we get a little more fluff and whatever in there. We’re getting relatively close to what ig is the climax of the rp. And then we can decide if we want to keep it going past there or not))
(fair enough. maybe we could get some wholesome cooking content in there? idk i have no idea rn)
((Omg that’d be great honestly))
(lolol, okay)
Kyle hummed softly, thinking for a moment before he sat upright, looking down at Caleb, "Cupcakes." He said, "We should make cupcakes."
“Okay then cupcakes it is.” He hummed out, leaning up to kiss the bottom of Kyle’s chin. “Up we go then.” He sat up with a groan. “Jeez I really do feel like an old man.”
Kyle giggled softly, pushing Caleb back down onto the bed before he jumped out himself, "That's because you are an old man."
He gasped loudly. “Ruuuude!!” He called after him, hoisting himself up on to his feet. “You didn’t seem to care that I was an ‘old man’ when we hooked up that first time.”
"Because you were hot and good it was good sex, it didn't matter," He replied, sticking his tongue out at Caleb as he skipped to the kitchen, "Now it's funny because you get mad about it."
“So I’m a hot old man then?” He asked in confusion as he followed behind Kyle. “And it’s not funny you’re bullying me.” He pouted, latching onto Kyle’s waist.
Kyle giggled, leaning back into Caleb with a grin, "Yep, you're a hot old man. And it isn't bullying if I'm telling you the truth."
He whined. “I’m not even that oldddd…..not super old.” He looked up at him. “You’re the only one that’s ever allowed to call me old. Ever.”
"And if anyone else does I'll punch them for you." He patted Caleb on the cheek, wriggling out of the others grip as he moved into the kitchen.
“Aw you really are the love of my life aren’t you?” He smiled, following him into the kitchen and grabbing some of the basic things he knew they would need.
"Who else would it be?" He asked, grinning as he pushed himself up onto the countertop. He grabbed a few moore ingredients and a bowl, placing them next to him.
“No one else. Only you dear.” He replied, getting the rest of the ingredients they needed. “Okay…I think we’re ready to get started.”
Kyle hopped off the counter, looking at the display of ingredients, “Right… how do we do this again?”
“Ummm…now we consult the internet because I do not remember in the slightest.” He said with a small laugh, pulling out his phone and googling it.
“It’s what? Flour, milk, eggs, sugar mixed together, right?” He asked, pulling the bowl closer to him.
“Mhm.” He said, walking over to preheat the oven before returning to Kyle’s side. “Anything else you think we’ll need?”
“Uh… vanilla extract?” Kyle raised a brow, not quite sure that this was right but he was going with it.
“Hmm..yeah looks like we do need that.” He said, finding it in the pantry rather quickly and handing it to Kyle.
He accept the new ingredient, already focused on weighing out all the others. He hoped all this would work, other was might cry.
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