@MarDeColores this is not it kids
Mycah turned onto the road, glancing behind the car. Nothing. They let out a small breath and looked back to the front. The road led into the forest, disappearing behind the trees.
Mycah turned onto the road, glancing behind the car. Nothing. They let out a small breath and looked back to the front. The road led into the forest, disappearing behind the trees.
Winter was quiet, keeping an eye on the rearview to make sure they weren't being followed.
As soon as they entered the forest, Mycah let out another breath and looked over at Winter. "You see anything?" They asked. With luck, no one had gotten a good look at either the two of them or the car they were driving, so no one would pursue them.
Winter shook his head. "No." He replied, still looking. He was frowning just a little bit. "I… think we may have gotten away with it. Though it's too early to tell for sure."
"True." Mycah nodded slowly, easing up on the gas slightly. This road was not a nice, smooth one and they really didn't want to wreak the car. Not that they thought so lowly of their driving skills, but it was better to be safe than sorry. "Maybe they're saying something on the radio?" Mycah looked at the radio, which had stayed off since they'd acquired the car.
Winter nodded, and reached to turn on the radio. He flipped through the channels until he found a news station, settling on that and letting it play.
Mycah listened, half their attention on the news and half on the road. It was much worse than they remembered, but definitely not as bad as some of the roads they'd had to drive on. But they still switched most of their attention to the road. If they missed something important, Winter would surely hear it.
Winter listened carefully, eyes focused on the rearview. He let out a slow breath, hoping that he wouldn't hear anything about them.
Mycah focused on on the news for a second, glad that they didn't hear anything in that moment. It was a real shame they were possibly running from the police– in a different situation, Mycah would have loved to stop and take in the forest for a few minutes.
(Gtg sorry)
Winter looked out at the forest for a moment, then turned back to the mirrors, watching for any pursuers. He didn't see or hear anything, so…"I think we might be in the clear." he said, a hint of relief in his voice.
(Good night!)
"Thank the gods," Mycah sighed, feeling a little bit of tension leave their body. That was one thing to cross off the list of things to worry about. Now they just had to hope it stayed that way.
Winter nodded. "We need to get jobs. We can't just rob a bank every time we need money. Or, I guess we could, but it's too big a risk."
"Yeah, agreed." Mycah nodded. Getting a job would be a really fun experience. What kind of place would hire a dangerous soldier with zero work experience? "It will an… interesting search."
Winter nodded. "You're not the one with the demon inside you." He said with a faint laugh.
"True. But I've also never actually worked an actual job. Have you?" Mycah asked, looking over at Winter curiously. This whole thing would be a very interesting experience. Hopefully, they could both find somewhere to work that wasn't too bad.
Winter blinked. "Oh. No, I haven't." He said, shaking his head and letting out a breath. "But it can't be that hard." He shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess we'll both see. Have any ideas of places that might let people like us work there?" Mycah looked at the road, which was curving down into a small valley.
"Uhh. No. Maybe I'll work in a slaughterhouse. I mean…that's the only place my skills would come in handy." He laughed a little.
"Yeah, you'd be good there." Mycah nodded, a grin on their face. "Me, however… if I could find a place that just paid me to hit targets from really far away, I'd be happy."
He smiled, laughing softly. "I don't want to work in a slaughterhouse, though." He said, shaking his head.
"Good. I wasn't going to say anything, but that doesn't seem like the best place to work." Mycah glanced over at Winter for a second. They were trying to think of places they could both work, but their mind had gone blank.
Winter chuckled softly. "Mhm." He replied, glancing in the rearview again. He stretched slowly.
Mycah kept driving. If they remembered it correctly, they were almost back to Sutoni. "Maybe we could look through the newspaper when we get back. Or go for a walk and see if anyone's hiring." They suggested.
Winter nodded a little bit. "Sounds like a plan." He replied. "Although we shouldn't apply for the same jobs. No need to compete with each other."
"Yeah," Mycah agreed, letting out a breath when the trees started to thin. The road rounded a bend and came out of the trees, revealing Sutoni. "Would you want to go for a walk when we get back or stay in for the rest of the day?"
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