(gtg sorry)
Winter smiled softly at the smell of food. "That does smell really good." he said, looking at Mycah, then the shop.
(gtg sorry)
Winter smiled softly at the smell of food. "That does smell really good." he said, looking at Mycah, then the shop.
(Okay! Good night!)
"Yeah." Mycah looked back at him, then opened the door. The small shop was pretty empty, save for an older man standing at the register. He looked up when Mycah opened the door, his face lighting up with recognition. "You're back!" He exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.
Winter smiled a little bit, looking around the shop. He took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair.
"I'll have the noodle soup with pork, as usual," Mycah said, stepping up to the counter. "To go."
"And for your friend?" The man asked, looking at Winter. "We don't have a lot, but what we do have is good." He smiled and waved at a small sign that listed all the stuff. They had noodle soups with various add-ons, rice and meat bowls, and sandwiches.
Winter looked at the menu, and decided on a meat bowl, ordering it with a quick little smile. "Thanks." he added as he finished ordering.
"Of course! Any friend of Mycah's is a friend of mine. They saved my life, you know." The man gave Winter a secret sort of smile, then pushed a few buttons on the register and told Mycah the total. It was marked down by a good amount–which Mycah was grateful for. They paid and walked over to a table to wait.
Winter raised his eyebrows a little bit. "I didn't, actually." once they were at a table, he looked at Mycah. "You saved his life?" he asked.
"Yeah." Mycah nodded. "We got sent over here to make sure this town was ours, but the old government came in as well and was killing all the people protesting against them. He," they nodded at the register, "was one of them. I stopped them from killing him and helped him and a few other protesters get out alive."
He nodded a little bit. "Ah, right." he replied, glancing over and then returning his gaze to Mycah. "Makes sense."
"Yeah. He gave me free food for a while, too." Mycah looked towards the register, but the man was still in the kitchen. After a few minutes, the man appeared again, carrying a large paper bag.
"Here you are!" He announced, placing the bag on the counter. "Have a nice evening!"
"Nice." he replied. "Thank you, sir." he added to the man, shooting a quick smile, standing up. "Are we eating here, or back at the hotel?" he asked Mycah.
"Probably back at the hotel," Mycah said, standing up and walking over to grab the paper bag. They opened their backpack and stuffed the bag inside. "I don't think being out in the open is a good idea right now," Mycah explained, starting towards the door. "Goodbye!" They gave the man a small smile and a quick wave.
Winter nodded a little bit, and followed mycah out the door as they headed back to the hotel. "Sounds like a good idea." he agreed, eyes flickering around as they walked.
Now that they were no longer searching for somewhere, Mycah walked as quickly as they could without it being suspicious. They wanted to get back to the hotel and eat, where people were no longer staring at them.
Winter walked with them, frowning just a little bit, though he wasn't really meaning to. He kept watch as they walked, not wanting to be surprised.
They arrived at the motel in record time. Mycah pulled out the key to the room, brushing their hair behind their ears as they walked. Their mouth watered a little at the thought of the food in their backpack as they unlocked the door to their room.
Winter followed Mycah in, locking the door behind them and letting out a breath, trying to relax. "So. Food, and then sleep, correct?" he asked.
"Yeah." Mycah nodded, unzipping their backpack and pulling out the paper bag. They set it down on the desk, pulling out two containers and some utensils. "I think that one's yours," Mycah said, pointing to one of the containers.
Winter nodded, taking some utensils and the container, opening it up and inhaling as the steam curled up out of it.
Mycah grabbed their own container and opened it. It smelled so good and brought back some wonderful memories as well. They smiled, sat down on a chair, and started eating.
Winter started to eat, taking slow, small bites out of his food. He hummed softly for a moment as he ate, then went quiet again.
Mycah ate slowly as well, enjoying every bite. Everything was made perfectly, as usual, and it was really satisfying. "How is your food?" Mycah asked, pausing and looking at Winter for a second.
Winter shrugged slightly. "It's…really good. Thanks." He replied with a little smile, eating some more of his food. He was sitting on the bed as he ate.
"Of course." Mycah inclined their head a bit, then went back to eating. Pretty soon, their dinner was gone. Mycah was perfectly satisfied and ready to sleep. Getting some hot food in their stomach was making them very sleepy.
Winter finished up his food, throwing the container away. He stretched and yawned softly, taking off the daggers and setting them on the bedside table.
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