forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"for staying loyal and for loving me, despite the distance and time." he replied, glancing down at Jay with a loving smile.


"How couldn't I? You're perfect." He laid gentle kisses on the underside of his jaw. "You still have time, I don't. There's no one else I'd wait for."


He laughed softly "no one's perfect my love." He tilted his head up slightly to make room for Jay "we've both waited too long for each other."


“You were so cute, how could I not have talked to you?” Raz laughed, tracing the curves of Jay’s features


“I wasn’t in a good place at the time. I needed someone to talk to. You seemed like the better and more sober option than anyone else there.” He rubbed the bridge of Jay’s nose with his finger, starting to him softly as they lied there


"And now you're going to marry him. Interesting." He cuddled him closer, sighing softly. "Do you think you'll panic? On the day of your death? Even though you know exactly what's going to happen afterwards?"


“I try not to think about it that much. I guess it depends on the situation. What if I die a horrible death? Then yes I’m gonna panic. If I go calmly then I’ll probably still panic but not as much as I would if the death were tragic.” He glanced down “why do you ask?”


"I'm not totally sure. I've been thinking about it a lot recently and I guess I wanted your opinion on it." He frowned slightly. "Even though you know what's going to happen, the pure panic of wanting to stay alive no matter what…the natural human struggle…I don't know, I'm rambling again."


Raz pulled back to look at Jay “is this what you went through when you died? The panic and the worry?” He asked softly, stroking his cheek in an attempt to comfort Jay.


"Yeah, mostly. Not to mention the sadness and pain. But you know about my death and how absolutely miserable it was. I just don't want the same to happen to you."


He offered a small smile and pressed a kiss to his brow “Love, I’ll be fine. I think. I obviously don’t want to die a horrible death but at the same time it’s nothing I can really control.”


“I’ll be okay love. As long as I have you and Lo.” He kissed his lips and snuggled close to Jay’s resting his head on his chest and relaxing into a light sleep “goodnight love,”


He gave him a slight squeeze and held him close, smiling softly. "Goodnight my prince." Jay didn't sleep himself, knowing he wouldn't be able to. Not that he minded since it meant he could stay up and watch Raz.


Settling into a deeper sleep, Raz took bunches of Jay’s shirt and nuzzled against his chest, calming down once he felt skin. A faint smile crossing his features


"Might as well just take it off if you're going to be like that." He chuckled under his breath, letting go of him for a second to strip his shirt off before pulling him back into his arms, cuddling him close.


raz curled up into a tense ball when he didn't feel a solid body next to him. He awoke with a small whine before settling close to Jay when he was pulled back into his embrace. "hm, better." he murmured softly, snuggling against jay


H made a small purring sound and nuzzled into his neck "mmkay, get some sleep my king." he mumbled ,pressing a sleepy kiss to Jay'sz jawline "Love you."


"Love you too, now go to sleep." Even though sleepy Raz was adorable, he knew his fiancè needed sleep so he would just have to care for him until he fell asleep.


He nodded off again, his head dropping to rest on jay's shoulder, his hand coming to rest on jay's back in an attempt to pul him close