Ellie shrunk behind Jackie a little, still nervous despite the others reassurance earlier, "Um.. h-hey." She said quietly, biting down on her bottom lip.
Ellie shrunk behind Jackie a little, still nervous despite the others reassurance earlier, "Um.. h-hey." She said quietly, biting down on her bottom lip.
A young girl approached Elide and looked up at her. “Hi, my name is Amaya. I’m Jackie’s younger sister.” She quickly hugged Elide.
“This is the one I was talking about. She really really likes you.” Jacquline said with a smile.
The others smiled at each other and just watched.
Elide looked from Jacquline to Amaya. She smiled softly and knelt down to the girls level, "Hi Amaya, it's nice to see you. You're very pretty."
The girl giggled, smiled and looked at the ground, then back up at Elide. Her curly brown hair covered one of her eyes. “You really think so? You don’t think I look. . .like a monster?” The young girl asked.
Elide shook her head, "Of course not!" She brushed the hair out of her eye, tucking it behind her ear with a smile, "I think you're a very beautiful young lady." She booped the end of her nose.
One of Amaya’s eyes were green, and the other was brown. It was quite rare that someone in Jackie’s family had Heterochromia iridum. So far it was only Amaya and one of her older brothers. Amaya looked up, smiled and giggled. “You're so nice.”
Jackie smiled. It was the first time in years that she had seen Amaya smile. Actually smiled.
Elide giggled softly herself, "Aww thank you, so are you gorgeous." She sighed softly, "Can I get a hug? if that's okay. I promise I won't bite."
Amaya nodded and gave Elide a warm hug. Her smile remained on her face as she hugged Elide. A young boy approached the three girls and looked at them curiously.
Elide ended up sitting on the floor after the hug, sitting Amaya in her lap so the hug could continue. It felt familiar, normal. No memories yet but she enjoyed the feeling. She looked towards the boy, "Hello, what's your name?"
The boy stayed quiet for a couple of moments, and then responded Elide’s question. “John. My name is John.” He tilted his head to the side. “Are you Jackie’s girlfriend?” The boy asked with curiosity.
Amaya giggled. She was obviously enjoying this.
Elide blushed a bright red, stuttering out something before she could actually get a worded response, "I um, no, I'm not. Well, I don't think so? I uh, feel like if I was then Jackie would have told me."
Jackie’s face turned bright red, making her to look away. She internally cursed at her brother, and when she turned her face around, she glared at him. The boy just shrugged and smiled when she saw his older sister glaring at him.
“Oh, I see.” John said.
Elide smiled shyly, focusing on drawing circles into the arm of the young girl sitting in her lap, "I… I feel like if that were the case Jackie would have told me that when I woke up."
John stared into Elide’s eyes. He wasn’t moving, he had a blank expression and it seemed that the child had momentarily stopped breathing. After what seemed like hours to Jacquline the boy blinked and smiled. He turned to Jackie and his smile widened even further. “She’s. . what’s the word? Flustered. Yes, I think she’s flustered.”
Amaya tilted her head to her side and looked at her brother. “Flustered? Why do you think she’s flustered?” She asked.
“She’s stumbling over some of her words and she’s still blushing.” John said.
“John, how old are you?” Jackie asked.
“Older than you think, Jackie. You think that I’m a five year old boy, don’t you?”
“Somewhere around that age range. Honestly, I don‘t even know how old you are. You always seem to be out of the country when it comes to your birthday.”
“You can blame mum on that.” John said as he sat down with a sigh.
“I am not blushing!“ Elide said in protest that she knew it was true she could still feel her cheeks burning from the comment that John had made, “Its just kinda hot in here is all.” A terrible excuse but it was the best she could come up with at the moment.
“Hot? Hot!? It's bloody cold in here! It's probably even colder here than outside. If you want to convince me that you’re not blushing, you’ll have to try harder.” John huffed.
A lady approached them and smiled. “Would any of you like a cup of tea? Or a cup of coffee?” The woman asked.
“A cup of tea sounds good.” John responded with a smile.
“A cup of tea, if it isn’t too much trouble.” Jackie said softly.
“No tea for me. Just some biscuits please,” Amaya said with a smile.
The woman nodded and looked at Elide. “And you dear?”
"Sure, I'll have some tea, too, thank you." Elide smiled, dimples coming to light as she did so, "I take it you're the mother of the family? I'm sorry I can't remember your name."
The woman nodded and smiled fondly at Elide. “It’s quite fine, dear. I’m Martha, it’s nice seeing you again.” With that, Martha left the room and made her way to the kitchen. Jackie sat down next to her brother, who looked like he was daydreaming.
Elide tilted her head slightly and eyed him, "Watcha thinking about John?" She asked, curious as to what the kid who, seemed to be a real life version of Sherlock, was thinking about.
John started into space for a couple of moments, before jolting back to reality. He shook his head, quickly blinked a couple of times and looked at Elide. “Oh, just some things.”
“Are they Important?” Amaya asked.
“Of course they are! Everything I have stored in here is important.” John said as he tapped the left side of his head.
“Yes, everything expect the Solar System.” Jackie said with a slight chuckle.
John glared at Jackie.
(lolololol, Sherlock vibessss)
Elide giggled softly at the statement, "Okay but what things exactly are you thinking about? I'm sorry if I'm being nosy but still, I'm curious as to what a boy like yourself could be thinking of."
John didn’t respond. Instead, he looked at the kitchen. Jacquline rolled her eyes and whispered the name Will to Elide. A couple of moments later, Martha re-entered the room with two cups of tea. She handed them to John and Jackie. She returned to the kitchen and quickly grabbed the plate of biscuits with one hand and with the other hand she grabbed the other cup of tea. She went back to the living room and handed the plate of biscuits to Amaya and the cup of tea to Elide.
Elide thanked her quietly, taking it with both hands. She took a sip, happy to find she still indeed liked the taste of tea, “So, how long have I know you all?” She asked Jackie.
Jackie hummed in appreciation and took a sip of her tea. “For at least. . .er. . .four years.”
“Five,” John corrected as he took a sip of his tea and stole one of Amaya’s biscuits. Amaya glared at him and slapped his hand away from the plate when he reached in to get another one. “Get your bloody arse to the kitchen if you desperately want some biscuits,” Amaya said coldly.
John simply groaned and pouted.
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