Elide shook her head, motioning for her to come in, "No, no it's fine. I'd rather get out of his place quickly," She sighed, "I feel like I'm being held captive or something."
Elide shook her head, motioning for her to come in, "No, no it's fine. I'd rather get out of his place quickly," She sighed, "I feel like I'm being held captive or something."
Jacquline chuckled as she entered the room. Elide never really liked hospitals, and it was kinda of nice seeing that even without her memories, she still didn’t like hospitals. “Yeah, being in a hospital gives people the feeling that they’re being held in prison or something like that.”
Elide hummed and nodded in agreement, "It does! And they're just creepy in general like.. they're so quite but I feel like there's gonna be a ghost or something just pop up and scare the hell out of me."
“I agree with you one hundred percent. That’s why I try to avoid hospital as much as possible. I just don’t like the feeling when I’m in a hospital. Anyways, we better get going, I don’t want you to feel like you’ll never leave this place.”
Elide nodded, sitting up and slowly moving herself off of the hospital bed, "That would be fantastic, thank you," She smiled, "And thanks for doing this all for me, I appreciate it."
“You’re welcome, Elide.” Jacquline paused and then pursed her lips. “I guess I’ll have to introduce you to my family once again. Ah, well, it’ll be nice seeing how you get along with them. They get quite annoying at times, but mostly they’re fun and caring.”
She sighed softly, smoothing out the bed sheets as a distraction, "Yeah, I guess so… I feel so… bad, though… for not remembering them… I guess it's my fault for getting in the accident anyway."
“It’s not your fault, Elide. I know it’s not your fault.” She crossed her arms and continued. “The other person, the person who hit your car was drunk. I don’t know if it’s true or not, since the hospital isn’t really truthful.”
"I guess so. But still, I could have at least tried to avoid the car, if that was even possible. I don't know, I just feel weird about the whole thing, like I deserve it something…" She shook her head, "Sorry, I'm probably not making sense."
“It’s actually kinda. . cute in a way that you’re not making any sense. That’s just my opinion, you’re allowed to start screaming at me at any moment.” Jacquline said with a slight chuckle. She looked at Elide and a smile appeared on her face.
Elide blushed lightly, a light giggle escaping her, "I wouldn't scream at you. And if I ever have before then I apologise." She smiled back at Jacquline, standing from the bed on slightly wobbly feet.
Jacquline chuckled once again and quickly went to Elide to help her. She would hate to see Elide fall down. She smiled as she reached Elide and a small blush appeared on her cheeks. “Well, that’s a relief that you ain’t gonna scream at me.” She paused and then sighed. “Easy there.”
Elide's blush deepened, slightly embarrassed that she needed help actually standing and walking, "Thank you," She shuffled her feet a little, "Guess I need help walking to now, huh." She shook her head a little before looking up at Jacquline.
Jacquline looked at Elide. Her honey brown eyes glistened in the sunlight, and they seemed to be smiling at Elide. Elide’s blush had deepened enough for Jacqueline to notice it. She smiled at her and closed her eyes. “I guess, but, I hope you don’t get tired of me to much.”
Elide let out a light giggle, "I'm sure assuming we've been best friends for a while, if I've been your friend for that long I doubt I'll get tired of you." She bumped Jacquline's hip lightly, smiling at her.
Jacquline let out a small giggle and smiled at Elide. “You’re absolutely right, dearie, and I’m sure I’ll never get tired of you. No matter how annoying you get, or how rude you get, I’ll never get tired of you. And you’ll always be my best friend, no matter what happens.”
"Rude? I'm not rude, am I?" Elide asked, raising a brow, "I'm sorry if I've ever been rude to you, you seem really really nice, and I like you a lot even though I can't remember you and I'm sorry if I ever have been rude and… sorry."
“Rude. . well, no, not really. Only when you’re really pissed, then that’s when you completed go haywire and act somewhat cold.” She then stopped as her smile widened even more. She let out another small giggle and sighed. “It’s fine, you don’t have to worry about absolutely nothing.”
Ellie nodded a little, relaxing slightly into Jacquline's side, "Okay that's good. I'm glad, because if you'd said yes I don't know what I would have done and… sorry, I'm rambling."
“Darling, you’re completely fine. You don’t have to apologize every second, actually, I’d preferred that you didn’t, because you haven’t done anything wrong, so therefore, you don’t have to apologize.” Jacquline said as she smiled and patted Elide’s head.
Elide blushed, though she tried to ignore it, "Right yeah um.. I'll try not to but I'm guessing that's going to be a little hard. I'll try my best, though."
“Alrighty, that sounds like a goal to me! Now come on, there’s thing to do today.” She paused and pursed her lips while scanning the room. “Well, that depends if you’re tried or if you’re able to stay awake for a long time.”
"I-I'm okay!" She chirped, though there was the tiniest hint of exhaustion in her voice, "I'll be able to stay awake, don't worry about me. Whatever we've gotta do I'll be able to do it… I think."
She smiled at Elide and lead her out of the room. “Well then, get ready to spend the next couple of hours spending time with me and my family. I’ll introduced you to them, and I have a feeling it’ll take a long time.”
"I can't wait to meet them! Again…" She sighed softly, trying to not dwell on the thought too much, "Am I close with your family? I'm assuming I might be but I just want to make sure before, you know, meeting them again."
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