@spacebluelily language
After Jacquline heard movement, she immediately opened her eyes and faced Elide. A smile crept up her face, but her eyes were red from crying. “Thank Goodness you!re awake. How do you feel, Elide?”
After Jacquline heard movement, she immediately opened her eyes and faced Elide. A smile crept up her face, but her eyes were red from crying. “Thank Goodness you!re awake. How do you feel, Elide?”
Elide frowned, confusion lining her features, "Who's… Elide?" She asked quietly, "And who am I? Who are you?" The confusion turned into anxiousness and fright. She didn't know who these people were and what they were doing here, she didn't even know her own name.
Jacquline was confused, and it showed on her face. She laughed for a bit, but then noticed Elide’s expression. She pursed her lips, sighed and rubbed her eyes. She recalled the doctor saying that Elide had severe brain damage, and she suspected that this must be one of the effects. “Your name is Elide. And I’m Jacquline, your best friend. Do you not remember who I am and who you are?”
Elide shook her head, swallowing and looking down at her lap. It was then she noticed her broken arm and the hospital bed she was in, "What… where am I? How did… how did I get here?" If this, Jacquline knew who she was, maybe she knew what happened.
“You’re at a hospital, and how you got here, well I don’t exactly know. All the doctor would say was that you were in an accident, but he didn’t tell me any more details. Maybe because I’m not technically a part of your family.” She paused for a bit and then continued. “Earlier today, you were heading to the party of the year, I think the accident you were in was when you were driving back home.”
Elide bit her lip and nodded a little. She was still confused, but at least the mystery of how she got there was solved, just the rest of it needed solving, "Wait if you're not my family, then where are they? Who are they I can't… I can't remember."
Jacquline sighed and stayed quiet for a couple of moments trying to remember what Elide had said a long time ago. After a couple of more seconds she finally said something. “Well, I remember that you said that your parents had abused you and your brother, and then child services were called and you and your brother were taken away.”
Elide blinked once, then twice, "What?" She let out a nervous laugh, "That's crazy you're lying. You are, lying, right?" The realisation that she could be telling the truth made her stomach churn. She had a brother she couldn't even remember, and he wasn't even here.
Jacquline shook her head, and a sad expression appeared on her face. A frown also appeared on her face and then the sad expression was replaced with an angry expression. Angry at Elide’s brother for not being with Elide anymore. “Sadly, I’m not kidding. Everything I’ve just said is true.”
Elide looked down in disbelief. So she had a brother. And her parents abused her when she was younger. But… where was her brother then? Surely family was supposed to be with one another when something bad happened? "So… if that's true… where's my brother? What's his name? Why isn't he here?"
“Your brother is a musician in a band. . and the band is always touring, so that’s why he isn’t here. I don’t exactly know where he is, he could be in England, in Mexico, in Russia or he could even be in Japan.” Jacquline paused and hesitated for a moment before continuing. “His name is Colby Morrison.”
"Colby…" The name sounded familiar. Like a very distant memory but she couldn't place it, "This is all is confusing. Did the doctors say when I could go home or… when I'd get my memories back?"
“They said that there might be a possibility that you might not get your memories back, but I do hope that you can get them back. And for your other question, they also said that you’re able to leave the hospital tomorrow morning.”
"Do… Do I have a room mate or something? I don't know if I trust myself to live alone when I'm missing all my memories…" She ran a hand through her hair, biting her bottom lip.
“Well, I don’t think you do, but you’re welcome to come live with me until you regain your memories. I honestly don’t mind, and you’ll keep me company if you do decide to live with me.”
"Could I? I don't want to intrude since well… I can't remember you and I don't want to be a burden or anything."
“Yes you could, like I just said a couple of moments ago, I wouldn’t mind at all. My house is your house, well to some extent.” Jacquline looked at her watch and then frowned. “Well, look at the time, it’s. . . wow, it sure is late. Do you want me to say a bit longer?”
Elide shrugged a shoulder, "You can if you want, I don't mind… you should probably go home and get some sleep, though."
Jacquline bit her lip and then stood up. “Well, then. I guess you’re right, I do have to get at least an hour of sleep. I’ll come by tomorrow in the morning to pick you up. Good Night Elide.” She smiled as she walked to the doorway and then she stopped. She sighed and continued walking and left the room.
Elide smiled a little back, "Night Jacquline." She said quietly. Once she was gone, she tried not to break down. Everything was so confusing and strange and she wanted her memories back. It didn't take long for her to sleep asleep, though.
~The Next Morning~
Jacquline stumbled out of bed and fell onto the ground. She winced and rubbed her head. She quickly got up, changed, brushed her hair, brushed her teeth and walked downstairs. She grabbed some Nutella, two pieces of bread and a spoon. She spread the Nutella onto the bread, put the two bread together and closed the Nutella. She took a bite out of her sandwich and grabbed her keys for her car as she left the house. She locked the door of her house and ran to her car which was parked outside on the street. She unlocked the door, got in, closed the door and started the engine. A couple of seconds later she was on her way to the hospital.
Elide had barely slept at all last night. Apart from the fact that she was in pain for a lot of it, she was also over thinking the situation, trying to get her brain to remember anything from before the accident. So far she'd drawn no conclusions other then the fact that if she'd liked hospitals before hand, she was completely wrong.
Traffic. Jacquline hated traffic; especially today, since she was supposed to be at the hospital early, but she had overslept. The traffic was surely going to slow her down. She could hear various honks and beeps, but she didn’t understood why their cars were honking and beeping. She sighed and looked up at the light which had just turned green and continued driving. When she got to the hospital, she told the front desk that she was here to take Elide home. They smiled at her and told her to go straight into the room Elide was, and that’s exactly what she did. She opened the door to Elide’s room and walked in.
Elide was half asleep when Jacquline entered, but she immediately perked up a little when she entered. She offered a small smile, yawning and rubbing at one of her eyes with the back of her hand, "Morning."
“Morning. I got clearance to take you home, and you don’t have to worry about if you have stuff or not. They gave me what they found in the crash. . Anyways, if you want to sleep for a bit longer I can come back later.” Jacquline said from the doorway.
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