"Mmm, no you don't. You can leave them on display for everyone to see. Let them all see that you're mine and mine alone." He chuckled, kissing him deeper.
"Mmm, no you don't. You can leave them on display for everyone to see. Let them all see that you're mine and mine alone." He chuckled, kissing him deeper.
“Hey don’t need to see dark markings on my skin to know that.” He murmured, pulling away gently to flip the pancakes. “All they need is to see us together to know I’m yours.”
"Maybe so but I don't want anyone challenging that. Nothing gets me jealous faster than someone flirting with what's mine."
“No one would dare.” He reassured, finding plates from the cabinet and setting them out. “Think if it this way, if someone does flirt, know hat nothing would happen.”
"Yeah, I know. I'm just a little protective." He shrugged with a small smile. "Can you blame me though? I'm still trying to recover from being apart from you for seven years."
“A little is an understatement darling.” He nuzzled into Jay’s chest as he pulled the pancakes into a plate
"Hey! Don't blame me! It's my job to protect you, dammit!" He laughed, squeezing him lightly.
“I know, I know. And I love you for it!” He pressed kisses to Jay’s lips “ready for breakfast?”
"As I'll ever be." He tugged at the collar to his shirt, the starched material getting uncomfortable against his skin.
Raz nodded, arching an eyebrow in slight concern as Jay tugged at his shirt "mind getting the syrup and whip cream from the fridge while I get his royal pain-in-my-ass out of bed?"
He rolled his eyes with a smile. "For someone who claims to love him like a brother, you sure do talk about each other like brothers too. Considering I had three, one older and two younger, I know the feeling."
"really? Are they contractors like you?" he asked, holding up a hand to pause the conversation while he got Logan out of bed.
"Lo! wake up! you woke me up yesterday now it's my tuuurrrnn!"
logan groaned and smacked him with a pillow "razzy shush! i'm having a caffeine hangover and I don't wanna mooovvvee!!!"
Raz laughed and picked Logan up from he'd, carding him in his arms and bringing him to the kitchen table. "look who's awake!"
"Shuddduuuupppp! Oh my god couldn't you two make out a little longer or something?!"
He laughed. "Sorry Logan, I might be his boyfriend but I hold no control over him. He's his own person. But I gladly would've if Raz had let me."
"And I would have let him if you were already awake so who's fault is it really?" He teased, pressing a kiss to Logan's hair and setting him down. "Plus I don't think you want to miss out on warm pancakes." he drawled, setting a plate in for of him and handing one over to Jay with a kiss on the cheek
He took his plate with a smile. "You said something about a caffeine hangover? Since I've spent so long in Japan, I've been more of a tea person in the mornings but if you want a cup of coffee I'm still pretty good at that."
Logan glanced up and nodded "please feed my coffee addiction! jazzy doesn't know how to make a decent cup of Joe in the morning so I have to wait to go out to buy some."
raz tased his hands in innocence "in my defense, i don't drink coffee much so…no need for me to make any."
Logan shook his head and dug into the food "that's sad. At least you make good hot chocolate."
"One cup, coming up." He chuckled, humming as he used just a tiny amount of his power to locate the coffee they had, got it, and took a sniff before instantly retaliating. "Oh that's revolting! Smells like someone poured a fresh cup inside and left the lid on for a week. No wonder he's no good, you can't use something like this!" He shook his head with a smile. "Ridiculous."
Raz whined and flopped his head on his arm “stop judging me for my non-existent coffee making skills!”
Logan laughed and patted Raz’ head “don’t worry. We still love you.”
"Lucky you, I've got something I think you'll like a bit more." He pulled a small pack of coffee beans from his pocket. "This is probably my favorite coffee so I hope it's okay." He quickly made the cup and handed it to Logan. "There you go."
Logan arched an eyebrow and took a small sip of coffee. "mmm! this is amazing! where'd you get it?" he asked, sitting back and drinking it slowly
Raz had picked his head up and had finished his pancakes, now drinking the hot chocolate from yesterday night with a content smile
"Hand picked while I was in Colombia. I could probably order more if I ever ran out but for now, I'll use the fresh ones."
“Wow, you travel a lot, don’t you? Raz told me you’ve been all over the world for your job.” Logan said, looking up from his food and smiling jittery from the coffee
"Yeah, you can definitely say that. I've been stationed a lot of different places. I've spent the past couple months in Japan so that's been fun."
“Did you know how to speak Japanese or did you learn while you were there?” He asked.
Raz got up and put his empty plate in the sink. He walked over to Jay and wrapped his arms around his neck and rested his head on top his.
"I learned while I was there. I'm not an expert by any means because Japanese is one of the most difficult languages to learn. But I can hold a conversation relatively well."
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