forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Deleted user

“Yeah, well, I can touch you through the blankets,” Nick let his hand slide down his waist. Nick and pulled the blankets off of Jas’s head. “Can I kiss my beautiful fiancé?”


Jasper moaned softly and buried his head against Nick’s shoulder. “You’re supposed to be resting and letting your stitches heal, not teasing me and making me blush.” He whined, looking up at Nick, trying to keep his expression serious.

Deleted user

“Well, I’m glad to see that you like this so much,” he reached his hand under the blanket and drew circles under his shirt. “Did I ever mentioned that you have a really nice body?” Nick smirked.


love~ stop it!~” he leaned into Nick’s touch, his expression melting away into content. “Now I know how you feel…” he murmured

Deleted user

“Well, I’ve always felt this way,” he laughed and then started coughing. “I don’t even know…why I try at this point.” Nick kissed his neck and felt around the upper half of his body.


“I meant about the touching…” he sighed softly and turned so Nick could reach better “my poor baby.” He reaches up and kissed him softly “safe your beautiful laughter my love.” He moaned softly and tangled his hands into his hair

Deleted user

“Well, I should probably stop I mean. I wouldn’t want to risk my stitch opening. I mean that would be very bad,” he chuckled.


“Hmm, true.” He kissed him softly “I wouldn’t want you to split your stitches.” His hand gently roved around Nick’s body, careful not to touch around the wound

Deleted user

“Now, look who’s all touchy touchy,” Nick teased. He closed his eyes from the feeling of hands on his skin.


“How can I not when you’re being this irresistible?” He murmured, nudging his nose with Nick’s “you can do the same when we get out of here.”

Deleted user

“I hope so,” he mumbled before kissing Jas’s lips. “You’re the cute one if you ask me.”


He tilted his head up into the kiss, drawing his younger along the Nick’s lower lip. “Am not, and no one asked…” he blushed and pressed their lips harder to the others

Deleted user

"Well, no one had to ask." Nick kissed him back harder, holding the back of his head. "So cute. I love you," he gigled and kissed down his neck.


He blushed deeply, and ran his hands through Nick’s hair. “I love you more darling~” he gasped softly and tilted his head so Nick would be more comfortable

Deleted user

"We are being so scandalous right now," he commented as he kissed back up, not being able to go down to his chest.


we? Dear, the only one being scandalous is you.” He laughed and caressed his cheek. “You’re my heaven, you know that, right?”

Deleted user

"Yeah, of course," Nick looked up to Jas. "Are you worried about something?"


he sighed and shook his head "no, just thinking about the thing they pulled out of you." He nuzzled Nick's cheek with his nose and kissed it. "i love you~"

Deleted user

“I love you too. Don’t think about it too much okay?” He murmured and stroked Nick’s hair. “Let’s not worry about it.”

Deleted user

“Hey, that tickles. Don’t make me laugh!” Nick bit his lip. “In all seriousness. Don’t think about it okay. I don’t want to think about it either.


He looked up at Nick and nodded “May it never be spoken of again then.” He pressed a final kiss to Nick’s wrist and nudged into his chest

Deleted user

He looked down and whispered, "Thank you. I love you so much!" Nick bit his lip, never wanted to leave from this. It's not that he wanted to stay in the hospital. He just never wanted to loose what him and Nick have.


“I love you more my love.” He cupped Nick’s cheek and gently pulled him into a kiss. “My savior,” he murmured, stroking his lips with his thumb

Deleted user

"Thank you for loving me," he smiled. "We should do this all the time. It feels nice."