Fill out a quick form and then after a set amount of time, I'll place people together based off compatibility!
If anyone has any questions about what a writing buddy is, please feel free to ask.
!!Anyone can join! Not just people who voted on the poll!!
- Realize that our writing buddy is human, and has obligations outside of Notebook. However you decide to work together, try to avoid placing a huge workload on your pal!
- As just stated, you and your buddy will be responsible for deciding how you want to work together. You can work this out yourselves. Here are some suggestions, though, for anybody who is new/needs ideas:
- Send each other bits of your stories and critique them as you write. Personally, I like to save this sort of writing buddyhood for when I'm no longer working on my first draft, since it can be hard to critique a first draft, but if you like it, go for it. You are each other's drill sergeants, pushing each other as hard as you can, because you know, your buddy can do better. You expect the best out of each other, and a little tough love goes a long way. You gotta buckle up and bear down, no excuses. Now is the time you write that book, and write it well. Don't take "good enough" for an answer! Your writing buddy's expecting more from you!
- You could also go the teamwork route. Here you and your buddy check in frequently, set goals with each other, and set time aside to read each other's stuff and cheer each other on. This one's less about critiquing and better for first drafts, in my opinion. You can write together, read together, talk together, word count race each other, and try to out pace each other. Share tips tricks, hacks, music, whatever you want. You two are in a little boat together in the middle of Discouragement Ocean, and you've gotta row it back to Consistent Writer's Island by working together. You are now joined at the hip, until you reach your goals.
- Have a tried and tested writing buddy style already? Cool, great, cool, great. Go for it man. Whatever floats your boat. Just make sure your buddy agrees!
- You get out what you put in. Don't expect your buddy to critique your story for paragraphs and paragraphs while you only say a thing or two about theirs. Either discuss this stuff before hand, or try to match what your buddy's doing.
- If you do have trouble with your buddy, or just find the matchmaker machine messed up and you two aren't a good pair, never fear, come back and we'll get you re-assigned. There's a lot of fish in the sea, so don't worry at all.
- Similarly, any arguments should be fielded back to this thread, so you can get help sorting it out. Don't give up right away though! Try to be reasonable and polite to your buddy, and expect the same from them. Keep your cool, and we'll get you sorted out.
- If you need to back out, cut your buddy off from your hip, dive overboard or go AFK AWOL, LET YOUR BUD KNOW!!! That way they know to wait for you, or find a new pal. This is a SUPER low commitment deal, so no one's going to hold it against you if you've gotta back out! Communication is key, y'all.
- On that vein, try to at least be active for your buddy at a minimum of what you two have agreed on. If you're critiquing each other once a week, try to show up. If your talking every day, try to show up. If you can't, try to give warning and reschedule if you can. If you have to go without any warning, be prepared with your apology and excuses, because we're taking this sucker to court. Not really, but do apologize.
Notebook nickname:
Talk a little bit about your project:
- What genre is it?
- What stage are you? (First draft, re-write, editing, etc)
- SFW or NSFW?
- Other?
What are your favorite genres?
What are your least favorite genres?
Are you okay with or unwilling to read NSFW?
What's your writing buddy style?
How much do you intend to type per critique/encouragement, etc:
Anything you hate in a book?
Anything you love?
Where do you want to talk to your buddy? (you can say more than one place, e.g. discord, notebook pms, etc.)
How often do you want to be active with your buddy?
Example Form
Notebook nickname: Sunflower
Talk a little bit about your project:
- What genre is it? Comedy, action
- What stage are you? First Draft
- Other? It's a trilogy, and I'm in the middle of the last book.
What are your favorite genres? Comedy, adventure, fantasy, horror, dystopian, surrealism
What are your least favorite genres? Romance
Are you okay with or unwilling to read NSFW? Unwilling
What's your writing buddy style? I prefer the second listed style, where we work as a team
How much do you intend to type per critique/encouragement, etc: I'm a 1-2 paragraph type of gal
Anything you hate in a book? I hate op characters, smart-alec characters who are always right, and a lack of paragraph breaks
Anything you love? I love tropes and cliches brought to a new life, humor, and characters that break stereotypes, and surrealism
Where do you want to talk to your buddy? (you can say more than one place, e.g. discord, notebook pms, etc.) Discord or a thread here on nb
How often do you want to be active with your buddy? I'd like a couple activities together per week, plus normal chatting once a day
Other? I'm not actually going to be doing this, this is just an example. But if I was, I'd try to give as much info about myself as possible, to make it easier on myself to match people together.