forum Writing Buddy Roulette OPEN AGAIN! Read rules, fill out form
Started by @Oakiin

people_alt 61 followers

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

I decided to just do it, I got the free time for now~

Notebook nickname: Rainy!
Talk a little bit about your project:

  • What genre is it?
    I'd say it was a modern fantasy~
  • What stage are you? (First draft, re-write, editing, etc)
    Heh, first draft for sure
  • SFW or NSFW?
  • Other?
    Possibly in the process of wanting to eventually animate, and a two (maybe three book) set.

What are your favorite genres?
Modern, Fantasy, Base Level Romance eheh
What are your least favorite genres?
Science Fiction, and by this, I mean space travel. Maybe Ancient "historical", though I'll still read it!
Are you okay with or unwilling to read NSFW?
What's your writing buddy style?
The second one, considering I barely have a rough draft
How much do you intend to type per critique/encouragement, etc:
At least once/twice a week, due to my decently busy schedule, I will definitely check up basically every day though ahah
Anything you hate in a book?
Most cliches, but a well written one is fine from time to time
Anything you love?
I enjoy drawing from time to time, and photography!
Where do you want to talk to your buddy? (you can say more than one place, e.g. discord, notebook pms, etc.)
Notebook PMs would be best
How often do you want to be active with your buddy?
Pretty often, though school days will be a little tougher to work things out, Tuesdays and Thursdays especially. But anytime after 5 pm EST I'm completely open!
Not really, besides the fact I'll be inactive three days for sure this month. February 12, 23, & 24th just for a heads up.


Wonderful, I hope you get a great friend from this :D
Everyone, this closes in 3 hours!!! Lastest of all last chances! If only one more person applies, I'll move them to a next round, but if no one or two more do, we are all good :)

@saor_illust school

Oh- hey Sunny, mind if I add a lil' something?

I only got the news like a couple days ago (well actually the stuff about the Japan trip, but I decided I should add in all the times I won't be available)- I won't be available on the following days:

  • Won't be available from 10am-3pm PST on May 9th and June 13th of this year

  • And until May 10th, every Saturday, I'll be at a youth symphony rehearsal from 10am to 12.30pm

  • I've got horse lessons from 3 to around 5 (Actually they start at 4.15 but it takes around a half hour to get there so) and I may not get home until around 8

  • There's a school trip which I'm attending, shortly after I get out of school to Japan, and it will last from June 26th, to July 10th.

  • And until April 28th, every Tuesday, I've got another youth symphony rehearsal from 5 to around 8.

  • Aaaaaand I haven't even gotten to the concerts: May 3rd, 3pm (Dress rehearsal the 1st, 5.30-8pm), February 9th, 6pm (DR Feb. 7th, 4.30-6.30pm), March 22nd, 11-3pm, and finally, May 10th, unknown time to 3pm

  • I think that should be it for now, but I'll be sure to let you guys know if anything else comes up!


Thanks for the additional details, Izzy! I hope you have fun with all of hat, that's some pretty exciting stuff <3 I'll make sure your partner can work around this stuff!


(Yes! It is xD I just forgot to say it was yesterday! My bad! ^^)

I'll start assigning partners this week, and hopefully by Sunday, you all should know who you got! I can't make any promises, I'm pretty busy this week, but I'll do my best!


Ah hey, I'd like to add that I have ADHD, and I tend to work on multiple stories at once, so I may/will probably want to share more than just one with my partner. Just a heads-up lmao


Notebook nickname: chgkc3
Talk a little bit about your project:

  • What genre is it? Fantasy
  • What stage are you? (First draft, re-write, editing, etc) First Draft
  • SFW or NSFW? SFW for the most part with cursing. Occasional NSFW parts
    What are your favorite genres? Fantasy, Dystonia, Science Fiction, War
    What are your least favorite genres? Historical, Realistic
    Are you okay with or unwilling to read NSFW? It's fine
    What's your writing buddy style? Fantasy, Science Fiction, War
    How much do you intend to type per critique/encouragement, etc: Characters, a few paragraphs to a chapter.
    Where do you want to talk to your buddy? (you can say more than one place, e.g. discord, notebook pms, etc.) Notebook pms
    How often do you want to be active with your buddy? Whenever, I try to write daily. At the least a few times a week.


I haven't forgotten about you guys! Not sure when exactly I'll be putting people together, but I'm keeping it on my list!


The first pair will be @Young-Dusty and @RainyDayArtist-is-alive! I apologize for changing it, upon review, I think you two would be better!
I recommend you pm each other to work out the details, and I'll remind you both of a couple rules:

  • Realize that our writing buddy is human, and has obligations outside of Notebook. However you decide to work together, try to avoid placing a huge workload on your pal!
  • If you do have trouble with your buddy, or just find the matchmaker machine messed up and you two aren't a good pair, never fear, come back and we'll get you re-assigned. There's a lot of fish in the sea, so don't worry at all.
  • Similarly, any arguments should be fielded back to this thread, so you can get help sorting it out. Don't give up right away though! Try to be reasonable and polite to your buddy, and expect the same from them. Keep your cool, and we'll get you sorted out.
  • If you need to back out, cut your buddy off from your hip, dive overboard or go AFK AWOL, LET YOUR BUD KNOW!!! That way they know to wait for you, or find a new pal. This is a SUPER low commitment deal, so no one's going to hold it against you if you've gotta back out! Communication is key, y'all.
  • Try to at least be active for your buddy at a minimum of what you two have agreed on. If you're critiquing each other once a week, try to show up. If your talking every day, try to show up. If you can't, try to give warning and reschedule if you can.

Have fun you two!! I recommend you look through each others forms before you get started!


Second pair will be @Starfast and @Reblod-is-busy-with-life
I recommend you pm each other to work out the details, and I'll remind you both of a couple rules:

Realize that our writing buddy is human, and has obligations outside of Notebook. However you decide to work together, try to avoid placing a huge workload on your pal!
If you do have trouble with your buddy, or just find the matchmaker machine messed up and you two aren't a good pair, never fear, come back and we'll get you re-assigned. There's a lot of fish in the sea, so don't worry at all.
Similarly, any arguments should be fielded back to this thread, so you can get help sorting it out. Don't give up right away though! Try to be reasonable and polite to your buddy, and expect the same from them. Keep your cool, and we'll get you sorted out.
If you need to back out, cut your buddy off from your hip, dive overboard or go AFK AWOL, LET YOUR BUD KNOW!!! That way they know to wait for you, or find a new pal. This is a SUPER low commitment deal, so no one's going to hold it against you if you've gotta back out! Communication is key, y'all.
Try to at least be active for your buddy at a minimum of what you two have agreed on. If you're critiquing each other once a week, try to show up. If your talking every day, try to show up. If you can't, try to give warning and reschedule if you can.
Have fun you two!! I recommend you look through each others forms before you get started!
Reblod, Starfast will be away until the 29th, so I recommend you pm them, so they know what's up as soon as they get back! You can direct them to this post, if you need to.