Notebook nickname: Red
Talk a little bit about your project: It's a series following an anthropologist heir and his quest to truly understand the peoples of his world. Inspired by Horizon: Zero Dawn.
- What genre is it? Adventure, I guess. It covers a lot of genres.
- What stage are you? (First draft, re-write, editing, etc) Outline.
- SFW or NSFW? Uh… somewhere in between. It can be saucy, but tasteful.
- Other? This series will probably be the one to make or break me.
What are your favorite genres? Most. Though I view romance as a subplot more than an actual genre.
What are your least favorite genres? Romance, Quest, and Young Adult all being rolled into this Chosen One retelling over and over again. It gets old.
Are you okay with or unwilling to read NSFW? I don't really care, so long as it's good writing I'm chill.
What's your writing buddy style? Periodic check-ins. No pressure to complete or show writing.
How much do you intend to type per critique/encouragement, etc: As much as needed.
Anything you hate in a book? Poor grammar/spelling, little to no subplots, subplots not being utilized correctly, flat characters unless done purposefully, continuously telling the same type of story (ex: Chosen One with no twist, gets the anti-hero love interest, beats the villain, survives it all because Main Character Plot Armor), fridging, too much foreshadowing, not enough foreshadowing, boring idea/writing style. I could go on.
Anything you love?: The opposite of the hate list. Turning cliches around. Taking old ideas and making them uniquely new.
Where do you want to talk to your buddy? (you can say more than one place, e.g. discord, notebook pms, etc.) PMs are chill for now.
How often do you want to be active with your buddy? Flexible. As active as we both can be, I guess.
Other? I'm currently attending college as an English Major, and my future career will most certainly involve writing. I view writing as both fun and serious. I will give whatever feedback is asked of me, and said feedback will contain helpful information no matter what. I'm also going through a lot in my life, so sometimes I may not check-in as often, or maybe eventually talk about personal matters if we become friends.